[表示 : 全て 最新50 1-99 101- 201- 301- 401- 501- 601- 701- 801- 901- bbspinkのread.cgiへ] 2chのread.cgiへ]
Update time : 08/14 14:01 / Filesize : 133 KB / Number-of Response : 939
[+板 最近立ったスレ&熱いスレ一覧 : +板 最近立ったスレ/記者別一覧] [類似スレッド一覧]


If BBSPINK is included in ID, she is a venus.

1 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2010/08/06(金) 00:19:12 ID:oNbDkuYo]
A previus thread
IDにBBSPINKが出たら神 Part2
Past log

335 名前:自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/07(月) 21:01:26 ID:BimlgupF]
Good night

336 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/09(水) 16:19:16 ID:+uVrID6O]
Good afternoon,Jim-san.

in the banana8141(kilauea)

337 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/09(水) 22:27:15 ID:+uVrID6O]
Good evening.

338 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/10(木) 00:32:41 ID:hNZAekuh]


339 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/10(木) 01:07:08 ID:2hs71+Ci]



340 名前:S.C.爲作 mailto:sage [2011/02/10(木) 21:56:46 ID:??? BE:2249310375-2BP(2341)]

弊社IDC(Internet Data Center)にてホスティングされている2ちゃんねる様へのDDos攻撃を

そして弊社がホスティングを行っている全てのサーバーは米国 カリフォルニア州 サンフランシスコ にて稼働しています。





これは忠告です。我々はこれよりCode Redに入ります。


341 名前:!ninja ◆CZ812CE1UpWs [2011/02/11(金) 23:39:16 ID:Hd+bu3bw BE:1031877667-PLT(24071)]

342 名前: ◆CZ812CE1UpWs [2011/02/12(土) 00:07:05 ID:FX9SjnkH BE:442233836-PLT(24071)]

343 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/12(土) 14:06:41 ID:Ci461krN]

344 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/13(日) 01:03:46 ID:JYFopFkD]

345 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/14(月) 20:43:22 ID:UmG2BfR7]

346 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/15(火) 01:05:09 ID:AYsIICOW]

347 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/15(火) 23:56:43 ID:WvDerq8I]

348 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/16(水) 00:41:09 ID:Tmeiusjh]

349 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/17(木) 00:43:32 ID:dywS2AWg]

350 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/17(木) 20:28:15 ID:LgRVYwmh]

351 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/18(金) 00:39:29 ID:p2v/U6q8]

352 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/18(金) 10:55:34 ID:jc27ejsk]
Good morning

353 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/19(土) 00:35:39 ID:Yxd5xwtK]
Good night.

354 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/19(土) 10:44:51 ID:Go2QSqZ5]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san

355 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/19(土) 11:24:54 ID:7LzYeFA/]
Good morning.

356 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/19(土) 11:39:55 ID:Go2QSqZ5]
Good morning◆3KemOnO.wI-san
I think we have some settings mixed up on Mamemaki. I am not getting
my post results from this server yet. Don't worry, we will sort it out
and fix the problem soon.

357 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/19(土) 23:13:42.79 ID:Xop1rfbt]
Good night

358 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/20(日) 01:05:06.16 ID:mPs4PK6G]

359 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/20(日) 09:15:55.58 ID:I0aTApfk]
Good morning

360 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/20(日) 20:29:02.29 ID:I0aTApfk]
Good night

361 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/02/20(日) 21:56:55.59 ID:???]

362 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/21(月) 01:16:00.38 ID:Jtlrz/qB]
Good night.

363 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/21(月) 14:21:42.93 ID:NJMG2ZmG]
Good afternoon

364 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/21(月) 21:02:28.12 ID:NJMG2ZmG]
Good night

365 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/21(月) 22:56:21.60 ID:UExpaf7R]
Good night.

366 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/22(火) 00:54:37.76 ID:ErTD9GtD]
When server refresh progresses well, it is good.

Good night.

367 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 10:26:59.70 ID:WVQvNSO7]
Good morning.
>>366 I think so too.

368 名前:jim ◇IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 17:20:46.92 ID:z7pqZ0dJ]
Let us see if Mamemaki is working now.

369 名前:jim ◇IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 17:23:25.28 ID:z7pqZ0dJ]
Hopefully it will work soon.

370 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 17:24:34.72 ID:z7pqZ0dJ]
and now with the trip

371 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 17:27:58.50 ID:z7pqZ0dJ]
ok, It seems to be working now.

372 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/22(火) 19:44:32.61 ID:z7pqZ0dJ]
I will go to bed early tonight. I am a little sick.

373 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/22(火) 22:44:32.31 ID:OtdkZOL8]
Take care of yourself, Jim-san.

374 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/23(水) 10:51:42.08 ID:pXuFxm+R]
Good morning. I took medicine today. I am feeling better.

375 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/23(水) 20:30:57.98 ID:lCQPN1rp]

376 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/23(水) 21:46:03.67 ID:4aPOudPw]
Thank you. I updated the menu at www.bbspink.com/pinkmenu.html
Would you ask the 2ch people to update those menus? I don't know who
to talk to or where to post to ask.

377 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI mailto:sage [2011/02/23(水) 22:24:02.12 ID:???]
まほら-san already reported it at qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1296143171/66
and qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1296056507/58.
People in need would probably have seen his report.

Ref. qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1296143171/37-52

378 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/24(木) 00:56:09.87 ID:2/CRgP6R]



379 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/24(木) 08:58:35.27 ID:M6F26PRk]
It is a mystery, it could be the ghost inside the machine.
Good morning.

380 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/25(金) 10:11:41.28 ID:qyLA4VKA]
Good morning

381 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/02/25(金) 21:43:37.62 ID:fETXslLW]
Good night.

382 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/25(金) 22:26:49.94 ID:qyLA4VKA]
Good night

383 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/26(土) 00:27:36.15 ID:lWZNCU56]
Good night.

384 名前:21yo-shotacon-man mailto:age [2011/02/26(土) 01:17:41.34 ID:???]
omg www
wtf is this board!!!!?????
are there any foreigner here??? omgomgomg!!

385 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/26(土) 07:07:19.93 ID:lWZNCU56]
Good morning.

386 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/26(土) 07:51:07.82 ID:yr8ldXOH]
Good morning

387 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/27(日) 01:08:00.19 ID:4gEgmh59]
Good night Jim-san.

388 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/27(日) 08:59:27.08 ID:R4kzJpnW]
Good morning, I fell asleep to quickly yesterday.

389 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/27(日) 18:06:21.34 ID:4gEgmh59]
Good Evening Jim-san.
I intend to sleep early today.

390 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/27(日) 18:57:38.11 ID:R4kzJpnW]
Sleep well friend

391 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/28(月) 07:46:10.95 ID:UFafolaI]
Good morning.

392 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/28(月) 09:11:40.32 ID:sbu9GFSK]
Good morning.

393 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/02/28(月) 12:31:50.42 ID:UFafolaI]
Good afternoon Jim-san.

394 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/02/28(月) 16:54:22.30 ID:sbu9GFSK]
Good afternoon too. Did you sleep well?

395 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/02/28(月) 18:13:18.72 ID:???]
Konoita daretoku?

396 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/01(火) 01:24:42.60 ID:LTqSqxeY]
I was able to sleep well, too.
Good night.

397 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/01(火) 10:03:42.91 ID:qKfwBlMR]
Good morning

398 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/02(水) 00:18:37.08 ID:X+jB/K5t]
Good night.

399 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/02(水) 01:36:43.82 ID:0BKJBOi6]
Good night.

400 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/02(水) 06:59:04.95 ID:NxlOBatC]
Good morning

401 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/03(木) 00:24:06.92 ID:AlEGt/sP]
Good night.

402 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/03(木) 01:12:31.13 ID:j49QNc6M]
Good night.

403 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/03(木) 07:15:11.17 ID:AlEGt/sP]
Good morning.

404 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/04(金) 00:48:54.50 ID:GVJwn0PS]
Good night.

405 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/04(金) 07:07:26.22 ID:V7NcAEEx]
Good morning

406 名前: ◆ZtXjKqCmiQ [2011/03/04(金) 09:27:30.05 ID:nwKNURln]
GOOD morning

407 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/04(金) 20:47:44.94 ID:V7NcAEEx]
Good night

408 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/05(土) 07:16:10.48 ID:elsc87Ql]
Good morning

409 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/05(土) 16:18:19.04 ID:oxu5fjgy]
Good afternoon.

410 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/05(土) 20:13:50.16 ID:WetI0avd]
Good night.

411 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/05(土) 21:49:33.05 ID:elsc87Ql]
Good night

412 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/06(日) 00:56:42.53 ID:TLxTgB+8]
Good night.

413 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/06(日) 08:00:39.79 ID:TLxTgB+8]
Good morning.

414 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/07(月) 00:00:11.15 ID:cD0fzFq9]
Good night.

415 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/07(月) 00:55:23.90 ID:DVUOYRSk]
Good night.

416 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/07(月) 07:01:33.41 ID:DVUOYRSk]
Good morning.

417 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/07(月) 19:43:06.55 ID:hyUn8TMH]
Good night

418 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/08(火) 01:12:43.30 ID:dr3f8Aut]
Good night Jim-san.

419 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/08(火) 07:24:02.42 ID:US5dZ4L/]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

420 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/08(火) 07:36:17.24 ID:US5dZ4L/]
I get this error on the stop thread test thread.

421 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/08(火) 07:36:55.01 ID:US5dZ4L/]
and I have written that error here, so I guess that test thread is stopped.

422 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/08(火) 21:53:30.02 ID:bLxq7P6B]
くの一の山 was created.

423 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/09(水) 00:50:52.79 ID:hWMbMNgp]

424 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=30,xxxPT】 mailto:sage [2011/03/09(水) 03:31:35.25 ID:???]

425 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/09(水) 06:56:22.49 ID:hWMbMNgp]
Good morning.

426 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/09(水) 08:52:56.43 ID:am7S5DWa]
It is great...:)

427 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/09(水) 08:53:21.55 ID:am7S5DWa]
Good morning

428 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/09(水) 09:06:49.56 ID:am7S5DWa]
Should this board be on the menu?

429 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/09(水) 20:13:52.09 ID:am7S5DWa]
Good night

430 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/09(水) 22:54:33.97 ID:Y5i1+rm7]
I'm afraid I can't answer it because I'm not familiar with bbsmenu of BBSPINK.
It would be better for you to ask it at dso.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sakhalin/1297056334/.

431 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/10(木) 07:30:27.03 ID:R3IYke8a]
Good morning.

432 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/10(木) 08:31:57.95 ID:ivfNE4Wb]
Good morning

433 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/10(木) 08:33:05.02 ID:ivfNE4Wb]
Yes, it is better to leave that board off of the menu. It is for administrative
things. Thank you for the reply.

434 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/10(木) 20:46:50.89 ID:ivfNE4Wb]
Good night

435 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/11(金) 07:42:04.79 ID:hamK0gCa]
Good morning Jim-san.

436 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/11(金) 19:53:55.34 ID:jqpJ636+]

There was a huge earthquake in the Tohoku district (東北地方太平洋沖 (三陸沖)).
Everyone, Are you all right?

437 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/11(金) 20:21:22.86 ID:l73VYbNz]
There are reports of some dead, the video on the TV shows cars trying to escape
but the tsunami catches them. I don't think those are ok. It is really bad.
I wish I could help.

438 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/12(土) 01:11:00.90 ID:wRfxIngr]

439 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/12(土) 08:58:23.27 ID:JhsDkevZ]
Good morning, and I am glad you are genki.

440 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/12(土) 20:01:42.09 ID:wRfxIngr]
Good evening, thank you Jim-san.

441 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/12(土) 20:20:53.58 ID:JhsDkevZ]
Good evening. I wish I could make that sound like Vincent Price.

442 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/12(土) 22:19:21.41 ID:YCFRRB2q]
who is she???

443 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/13(日) 01:21:50.84 ID:BO0EsaJQ]
Please let me hear the voice of Jim-san more. >NTTecChannel
Good night,

444 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/13(日) 03:43:14.52 ID:P7us6Fhr]

445 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/13(日) 08:39:02.11 ID:Dqa6N5BZ]
That is a nice idea. Good morning, we could have a channel.

446 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/13(日) 20:14:59.53 ID:Dqa6N5BZ]
Latermuse is making a charity song now for Japan. They are going to donate
100% to Japanese charity. You won't hear my voice, but I did write the lyrics.
It should be ready tomorrow.

447 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/13(日) 20:17:19.44 ID:Dqa6N5BZ]
sono choushi da kotoga a ru
(that's the spirit, such a thing happened)
Jikan ga sakusei shi, sakusei
(time makes it, preparation)
tensai kei kaku do-ori
(disaster, just as planned)
nanigotomo yuujou hodo taisetsu dehanai
(nothing is as precious as friendship)
nippon ga tsuyoi
(Japanese are strong)
sore wo mite watashi ha ikiononda
(when I saw it, it took my breath away)
Jibun jishin o sai k?chiku sa seru
(letting ourselves rebuild)
haigo ni aru wareware no hakai o nokoshite
leaving our destruction behind
toki to shian ha mottomo tsuyoi kanashimi demo yawarageru
(time and thinking tame the strongest grief)

448 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/14(月) 09:14:31.29 ID:a19e4udg]
Good morning

449 名前:soo [2011/03/14(月) 12:58:46.57 ID:7BCo3s6Y]
Please Gambatae!! Japanese...
I am praying everyday that all the suffering go away soon.
Many Korean people really worry about Japan.

450 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/14(月) 15:07:17.56 ID:a19e4udg]
Yes I think so too. Koreans are loving and kind people. We know that most
really care about this situation. I am sure that Korea is helping in the relief
effort. I remember during the Northridge earthquake. The Koreans gave my
family a relief bag full of food. It helped a lot.

451 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/14(月) 18:32:30.35 ID:Gng+TCMo]
Good evening.
Now translating.

452 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/14(月) 19:30:35.84 ID:a19e4udg]
Would you help me translate the whole thing?
translated by Uncle Google.

453 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/14(月) 19:32:30.14 ID:a19e4udg]
Torn apart by things beyond our control
in the tragedy we must find our soul
deep are the wounds to the nations heart
but nothing can ever tear us apart
Time now is the remedy
Taking solace in our humanity
We are all people, and we are all one
Together, the pain, we will overcome
Nothing could have prepared us for this
Friendship gives us strength to persist
There’s love we have lost, but love we will find
Like any true grief, it always takes time
Now we come together and begin to rebuild
The great emptiness that must now be filled
Our spirit is stronger than the strongest of storms
The world bears witness to a nation reborn
We are all people, and we are all one
Together, that day, we will overcome

454 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/14(月) 19:47:49.20 ID:a19e4udg]
The US news is reporting that helicopter flights have been suspended.
The helicopters flew through a radiation cloud and their Geiger counters went off.
They had to be decontaminated. It is very strange news because the other news
says that radiation leaks are at a minimum.

455 名前:soo [2011/03/14(月) 21:17:27.86 ID:xZriIuw7]
Oh..really.. That was good..
Now we respect Japanese's aplomb, calm and sense of public order.
You can overcome soon!!!
Even though some of stupid Korean and Japanese made so many crazy rumors,
please do not listen them. 力を出してください (is this correct? :))

456 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/15(火) 07:03:51.97 ID:6Wh+S2uX]
Good morning.
thanks you Jim-sam.
I will read slowly.

457 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/15(火) 07:05:00.16 ID:04mTBKAT]
Good morning BBSPINKAys

458 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/15(火) 07:15:09.35 ID:04mTBKAT]
Very nice words for a troubled time.

459 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/15(火) 08:06:53.23 ID:04mTBKAT]
One found, two to go.

460 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/15(火) 21:42:17.19 ID:04mTBKAT]
Good night

461 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/16(水) 00:51:54.36 ID:hYdb2Cnm]
Good night Jim-san.

462 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/16(水) 06:50:11.21 ID:hYdb2Cnm]
Good morning.

463 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/16(水) 20:37:20.76 ID:qFt7iR9l]
Good night friend
I have to sleep now.

464 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/17(木) 01:46:58.15 ID:qXyRsuNK]
Good night.

465 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/17(木) 07:34:15.69 ID:OodaVtV+]
Good morning Jim-san.

466 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/17(木) 13:25:37.59 ID:zfZAfKy5]
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san,
Hope you have a wonderful day.

467 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/18(金) 07:43:27.61 ID:Y34kyvIN]
Good morning Jim-san.
Current room tempareture 8℃
I'm having a great day.

468 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/18(金) 08:45:46.92 ID:bBsJaXou]
Good morning BBBSPINKAys-san,
Please have a nice day today.

469 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/18(金) 17:43:11.97 ID:bBsJaXou]
Here is the Japanese. Please correct it for me if you see something horrible.
I am just a stupid geijin. hehe.
それをみて私は いきおのんだ
自分自身をさい こちくさせる

470 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/18(金) 19:11:07.20 ID:bBsJaXou]
Here is the song that Latermuse wrote for Japan.
100% of proceeds from this song will be donated to Japanese disaster relief.

471 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/18(金) 20:56:38.38 ID:bBsJaXou]
I made a thread for this song. I think it is ok to have on 2ch
since it is not an adult song.
Do Japanese have limericks?

472 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/18(金) 21:52:23.58 ID:bBsJaXou]
Good night

473 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/19(土) 01:55:03.01 ID:gl3LqCyN]
Very good song. I'm not an expert on translation, but tried to correct it whenever possible.
If there is mistake, please disregard my post.

聞いたことがある Kiita koto ga aru
時間が作り上げた天災は Jikan ga tsukuri ageta tensai wa
意図されたものではない Ito sareta mono dewa nai
友情に勝るものはない Yuujoo ni masaru mono wa nai
日本は強いんだ Nippon wa tsuyoi nda
それを知って私は息を呑んだ Sore o shitte watashi wa iki o nonda
自分自身を再構築させることができる Jibun jishin o sai koochiku saseru koto ga dekiru
背後にある破壊を残して Haigo ni aru hakai o nokoshite
光輝く Hikari kagayaku
時と思いはどんなに強い悲しみだって和らげるんだ Toki to omoi wa don'nani tsuyoi kanashimi datte yawarageru nda

474 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 06:59:36.95 ID:BeJDSTm8]
Thank you for that.

475 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 07:46:09.31 ID:BeJDSTm8]
I found a nice video explaining the radiation problem. It is at a child's level.
If your children are confused and worried about what is going on. You can
show them this video, and they will have more of a chance at understanding.

476 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 08:58:11.08 ID:BeJDSTm8]
Here is a lovely video with nice music. The painting is dark though.

477 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 10:31:34.10 ID:BeJDSTm8]
It is very artistic.

478 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 10:33:36.29 ID:BeJDSTm8]
I really should stop editing on the live server. It is my bad habit.

479 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 10:44:33.69 ID:BeJDSTm8]
I changed that twitter to follow. You can follow Latermuse and help
the music for Japan song get some momentum.

480 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 15:01:52.54 ID:vyjyv4gp]
I found another error I had made. If I mess something up. Please let me know.

481 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/19(土) 21:32:35.91 ID:vyjyv4gp]
Good night

482 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/20(日) 02:27:20.75 ID:Kq9VBSJ4]
Good night.

483 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/20(日) 09:03:24.28 ID:Of8GyPUz]
Good morning

484 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/20(日) 22:25:08.57 ID:Of8GyPUz]
Good night

485 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/22(火) 06:27:42.51 ID:s4AtaClx]
Good morning

486 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/22(火) 21:34:07.94 ID:s4AtaClx]
Good night

487 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/22(火) 23:29:30.26 ID:0mKZkYFS]
Good night.

488 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/23(水) 03:21:36.01 ID:zgeBbF4E]
check it out

489 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/23(水) 08:38:18.85 ID:0KEfCV9O]
Good morning

490 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/24(木) 00:28:44.12 ID:DQvnl0Bm]
Good night.

491 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/24(木) 07:24:19.74 ID:DQvnl0Bm]
Good morning.

492 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/24(木) 08:15:36.79 ID:gPm+eqL9]
Good morning

493 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/24(木) 12:24:50.20 ID:DQvnl0Bm]
Good afternoon Jim-san.

494 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/24(木) 14:03:09.38 ID:gPm+eqL9]
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san,
I saw your post about the servers. The Yomi server has had hard drive
failure. I am trying to have that data recovered.

495 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/24(木) 20:35:40.06 ID:gPm+eqL9]
Good night

496 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/25(金) 07:03:54.03 ID:72u/PIL8]
Good morning

497 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/25(金) 19:08:56.58 ID:/GjKHxv7]
Good evening Jim-san.
I hope to revive.

498 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/03/25(金) 19:24:55.24 ID:72u/PIL8]
Good evening BBSPINKAys-san,
I hope so too. Please wait, slow and sure will win the race.

499 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/25(金) 22:08:13.06 ID:/GjKHxv7]
Yes, wait for slowly.

500 名前: 【東電 82.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/26(土) 01:08:48.21 ID:vyRBiaxT]
Good night.

501 名前: 【東電 70.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/27(日) 07:51:44.14 ID:OhH6F4qy]
Good morning.

502 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/27(日) 17:13:55.54 ID:WpLzmIRS]

503 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/27(日) 17:14:23.59 ID:WpLzmIRS]

504 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/03/27(日) 17:14:48.56 ID:WpLzmIRS]

505 名前: 【東電 67.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/28(月) 07:27:22.38 ID:LrzU+IWJ]
Good morning.

506 名前:【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 【東電 80.6 %】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k [2011/03/29(火) 13:54:46.13 ID:i0VVEFGB]

507 名前: 【東電 73.9 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/30(水) 07:45:29.03 ID:CMSVTzzc]
Good morning.

508 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/03/31(木) 00:59:01.08 ID:npIxZDGY]
Good night.

509 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/03/31(木) 20:31:56.18 ID:w/FZsRcn]
Good night.

510 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/01(金) 01:28:30.91 ID:SHbzHWd/]
Good night.

511 名前: 【東電 68.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/01(金) 07:29:10.49 ID:SHbzHWd/]
Good morning.

512 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/01(金) 08:24:32.82 ID:5hQT6i1w]
Good morning

513 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/01(金) 19:44:43.50 ID:5hQT6i1w]
Good night

514 名前: 【東電 76.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/02(土) 01:27:57.33 ID:lxb0JeND]
Good night.

515 名前: 【東電 66.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/02(土) 07:36:06.12 ID:lxb0JeND]
Good morning.

516 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/02(土) 14:34:24.92 ID:3ANRsMtj]
Good evening.

517 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/02(土) 16:04:29.83 ID:zIdXj6jG]
Good afternoon..:)

518 名前: 【東電 79.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/03(日) 11:22:02.72 ID:yF0yd5mu]
Good morning.

519 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/03(日) 21:24:22.13 ID:wLEbXyn+]
Good night

520 名前: 【東電 71.9 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/04(月) 07:40:36.26 ID:a49eKMbj]
Good morning Jim-san.

521 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/05(火) 04:24:02.35 ID:noiGh1aT]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,
I have been out of town, and it is difficult to write because my internet connection
is so slow. This is the jungle here.

522 名前: 【東電 73.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/05(火) 07:44:58.37 ID:6WIm+6mG]
Good morning Jim-san.
Because network connection is not steady in my environment,
I will change the Ethernet controller.

523 名前: 【東電 71.0 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/06(水) 07:48:03.14 ID:qjhwOC4u]
Good morning.

524 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/07(木) 15:44:09.27 ID:mYypacyv]
Good afternoon. I guess I missed a day.

525 名前: 【東電 65.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/08(金) 07:36:45.83 ID:lBSQanUn]
Good morning Jim-san.

526 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/04/08(金) 17:52:17.93 ID:???]

527 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/08(金) 20:40:45.01 ID:ndsxDwFo]
Good night.

Oh, Thank you for correction. ^^

528 名前:Mr. anonymous mailto:sage [2011/04/09(土) 09:25:32.21 ID:???]
See new Black on Asian Porn Site

529 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/09(土) 13:05:31.21 ID:v296ggQ/]
Good afternoon ◆3KemOnO.wI-san

530 名前: 【東電 78.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/09(土) 16:50:47.85 ID:ByArKPMD]
Good afternoon Jim-san & kemono-san.

531 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/10(日) 01:07:21.80 ID:gl1OYfS5]
Good night.

532 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/10(日) 08:12:12.54 ID:Bo/RhGqn]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san and 3KemOnO.wI-san.

533 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/11(月) 20:14:58.79 ID:TPNnmEkp]
Good night

534 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/11(月) 22:51:05.87 ID:qVuR49N2]
Good night.

535 名前: 【東電 60.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/12(火) 07:32:33.84 ID:WNGPNhOM]
Good morning Jim-san & Kemono-san.

536 名前: 【東電 66.2 %】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/12(火) 08:00:40.87 ID:0219eigJ]
Good morning BBSPINKAys and Kemono-san. It will be a good day.

537 名前: 【東電 71.9 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/13(水) 00:49:24.92 ID:BdcJGDfI]
Good night Jim-san & Kemono-san.

538 名前: 【東電 61.0 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/15(金) 07:29:21.76 ID:bGkWzmup]
Good morning.

539 名前: 【東電 63.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/16(土) 08:06:30.82 ID:w5bs2tjP]
Good morning.

540 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/16(土) 11:33:57.52 ID:DI+XT7lH]
Good morning.

541 名前: 【東電 76.8 %】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/16(土) 11:40:14.18 ID:VEk2/KBa]
Good morning

542 名前: 【東電 60.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/17(日) 07:56:30.30 ID:eJ+MjX5r]
Good morning Jim-san, Kemono-san.

543 名前: 【東電 56.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/18(月) 07:25:53.60 ID:aKGwQQN0]
Good morning.

544 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/18(月) 20:38:10.94 ID:/NMWT7GT]
Good night.

545 名前: 【東電 59.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/19(火) 07:33:15.96 ID:d4048dcM]
Good morning.

546 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/19(火) 22:12:56.33 ID:rXxssH47]
Good night friends.
I was sick for a few days,
but feeling better now.
I will get some more sleep.

547 名前: 【東電 73.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/20(水) 01:28:20.33 ID:dXfZgnia]
Take care of yourself.
Good night Jim-san..

548 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/20(水) 21:25:17.22 ID:gTo1udZZ]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san

549 名前: 【東電 63.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/21(木) 07:12:25.85 ID:HNKB6smo]
Good morning Jim-san.

550 名前: 【東電 64.8 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/22(金) 07:33:07.99 ID:kM2U/2bX]
Good morning.

551 名前: 【東電 85.6 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/23(土) 18:19:46.06 ID:mbCp2Wtn]
Good evening.

552 名前: 【東電 64.9 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/24(日) 08:19:02.48 ID:8+dLKDjF]
Good morning.

553 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/24(日) 15:36:31.18 ID:iz/oR7Nh]
Good afternoon.

554 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/24(日) 15:47:52.64 ID:o5esp36y]
Good afternoon. How are you today? Happy Easter.

555 名前: 【東電 58.6 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/25(月) 07:23:02.26 ID:rXJ1Ujj6]
Good morning.

556 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/25(月) 21:14:35.05 ID:YcE4KOjl]
Good evening.

Thanks, you too. I'm fine. ;-)

557 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/25(月) 21:50:22.57 ID:GwLaYWCg]
Good evening 3KemOnO.wI-san,
it is time for me to go to sleep.
Good night.

558 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/26(火) 01:04:39.78 ID:WFp7mWfL]
Good night.

559 名前:うふ〜ん mailto:うふ〜ん [うふ〜ん ID:DELETED]

560 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 小結 ◆/KOMU/uMio mailto:sage [2011/04/26(火) 06:12:59.86 ID:???]
 ( @ @)
 ( ∪▽∪<白怖じ屋さんいた

561 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/26(火) 08:38:45.36 ID:CV0vOjxs]
Good morning

562 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/26(火) 22:57:02.96 ID:CV0vOjxs]
Good night

563 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/27(水) 00:28:22.34 ID:BjpPfzwy]
Good night.


564 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/27(水) 07:13:51.10 ID:1kjDQd23]
Good morning

565 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/04/29(金) 00:03:52.63 ID:KDUnmkm1]
Good night.

566 名前: 【東電 84.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/29(金) 15:59:08.76 ID:vy589cFP]
Good afternoon.

567 名前: 【東電 81.9 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/30(土) 00:10:11.35 ID:KShnV6nC]
Good night.

568 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/30(土) 01:30:37.50 ID:0Aa9G/b+]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san

569 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/04/30(土) 08:40:56.46 ID:0Aa9G/b+]
Good morning

570 名前: 【東電 82.6 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/04/30(土) 13:34:59.02 ID:KShnV6nC]
Good afternoon Jim-san.

571 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/01(日) 06:45:23.50 ID:4M4Pp/9H]
Good morning.

572 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/01(日) 08:02:00.93 ID:QJrjyxRH]
Good morning guys, it will be a beautiful day.

573 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/01(日) 13:07:02.71 ID:WoEO5l1c]
Good after noon Jim-san,

I am enjoying off-line condition.
Such condition may sometimes be nice for me.

574 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/01(日) 16:17:53.03 ID:QJrjyxRH]
It is such a hot day. I have been online and offline. I will be an idiot
and run in the hot temperature. I am getting addicted to running daily.

575 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/01(日) 20:13:35.40 ID:WoEO5l1c]
I walked 7000 steps today.
Maybe, I will be about a total of 8500 steps today.
It is felt that the exercise which walks rather than running for me is good.
A leg and the body will get painful if I run. ww

576 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/02(月) 00:18:45.98 ID:J9z3W39h]
No pain no gain. Good job Ero-san. It is hard to start working out.

577 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/02(月) 00:19:19.15 ID:J9z3W39h]
Good night

578 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/02(月) 12:11:01.98 ID:S6E/4RAt]
My leg is somewhat in bad condition.
The pain of my leg is not a muscular pain.
I think that that is trouble of a joint etc.

My body is not strong. (´・ω・`)

579 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 小結 ◆/KOMU/uMio mailto:sage [2011/05/02(月) 20:58:40.81 ID:???]
 (  ^^ )
 ( ∪▽∪<special smile

580 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/02(月) 22:30:24.71 ID:J9z3W39h]
Good night

581 名前:frgs [2011/05/03(火) 00:43:31.43 ID:QkrS7nWf]

582 名前: 【東電 67.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/03(火) 08:49:33.35 ID:XbrrPPMV]
Good morning.

583 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/03(火) 08:56:30.11 ID:zjXwwdLH]
Good morning.
How are you today?

Manila is a weather report which gets hot today.

584 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/05/04(水) 03:56:57.27 ID:???]

585 名前: 【東電 65.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/05(木) 09:35:54.08 ID:HroCESGf]
Good morning.

586 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/06(金) 02:57:19.17 ID:vaYBDgqP]
Good night.

587 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/06(金) 17:06:49.78 ID:???]
It is afternoon again. Good afternoon

588 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/07(土) 06:11:37.89 ID:ai0pf5d8]
Good morning.
However, I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed again.

589 名前: 【東電 65.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/07(土) 08:01:20.47 ID:8kQOj3Ic]
Good morning.

590 名前: 【東電 72.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/08(日) 00:52:53.05 ID:lCHsD8xp]
Good night.

591 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/08(日) 10:09:20.89 ID:BaO2BW/3]
Good morning

592 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/08(日) 13:59:17.96 ID:a3aNGlkZ]
Good afternoon.

593 名前: 【東電 71.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/08(日) 16:36:01.27 ID:lCHsD8xp]
Good afternoon.

594 名前: 【東電 55.5 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/09(月) 03:39:56.58 ID:kmNQFWMP]
Good midnight.

595 名前: 【東電 72.9 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/09(月) 09:58:19.52 ID:kmNQFWMP]
Good morning

596 名前: 【東電 80.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/09(月) 19:09:57.83 ID:ycAH7/SN]
Good evening.

597 名前: 【東電 82.0 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/09(月) 20:18:27.87 ID:kmNQFWMP]
Good evening ◆BBSPINKAys-san.

598 名前: 【東電 75.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/10(火) 00:35:26.42 ID:mbmAkyZ5]
Good night ◆EROyVmNwwM-san.

599 名前: 【東電 61.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/10(火) 07:19:31.20 ID:mbmAkyZ5]
Good morning.

600 名前: 【東電 61.7 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/10(火) 07:22:53.51 ID:Md3PfvjN]
Good morning ◆BBSPINKAys-san.

601 名前: 【東電 62.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/11(水) 06:56:41.61 ID:A8rLiA+R]
Good morning.

602 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/11(水) 20:50:48.52 ID:fJTlHDN4]
Good night.

603 名前: 【東電 72.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/12(木) 01:04:16.21 ID:XU3M0ZpO]

good night.

604 名前: 【東電 61.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/12(木) 07:09:56.23 ID:XU3M0ZpO]
Good morning.

605 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/12(木) 20:31:53.16 ID:SFSggZu+]

606 名前: 【東電 73.0 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/13(金) 01:21:12.11 ID:IcLzVIXW]
Good night.

607 名前: 【東電 73.0 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/13(金) 01:27:58.32 ID:OL32Bnld]
Good night

608 名前: 【東電 62.7 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/13(金) 06:50:19.78 ID:IcLzVIXW]
Good morning.

609 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/13(金) 20:39:51.18 ID:q9NnHvhJ]
Good evening guys, sorry I have not been updating here lately.

610 名前: 【東電 61.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/14(土) 06:21:41.73 ID:j2ki0GV/]
Good morning.

611 名前: 【東電 59.2 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/14(土) 06:56:59.58 ID:pFEY451q]
Good morning

612 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/14(土) 08:00:43.16 ID:roJoAGvJ]
Good morning.

613 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/14(土) 08:36:12.16 ID:am4wF1nR]
Good morning..:)

614 名前: 【東電 54.8 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/15(日) 07:31:20.34 ID:DeEzWnch]
Good morning.

615 名前: 【東電 64.3 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/16(月) 00:51:35.14 ID:cJmtAtz8]
Good night.

616 名前: 【東電 52.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/16(月) 06:44:47.79 ID:cJmtAtz8]
Good morning.

617 名前: 【東電 77.7 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/16(月) 15:55:12.69 ID:D242nqKL]
Good afternoon

618 名前: 【東電 54.1 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/17(火) 07:10:34.14 ID:r3oOCT5x]
Good morning.

619 名前: 【東電 68.8 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/17(火) 23:34:23.66 ID:cgsJnzQE]
Good evening

620 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/18(水) 00:06:45.63 ID:XlroHHtn]
Good night.

621 名前: 【東電 63.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/18(水) 01:17:41.22 ID:6TwEzQ/C]
Good night.

622 名前: 【東電 55.0 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/18(水) 05:37:20.59 ID:6IzuG9gW]
Good morning

623 名前: 【東電 54.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/18(水) 06:47:31.33 ID:6TwEzQ/C]
Good morning ◆EROyVmNwwM-san.

624 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/18(水) 22:51:13.50 ID:XlroHHtn]
Good night.

625 名前: 【東電 64.5 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/19(木) 02:13:56.98 ID:v+IubJQO]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san 3KemOnO.w-san.

626 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/19(木) 07:09:29.37 ID:smMuCYGg]
Good morning

627 名前: 【東電 55.8 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/19(木) 07:12:44.69 ID:GASd2b0k]
Good morning Jim-san, Kemonon-san, ◆EROyVmNwwM-san.

628 名前: 【東電 66.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/20(金) 01:24:44.72 ID:oGAAOxgT]
Good night.

629 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/20(金) 07:53:41.40 ID:???]
Good morning

630 名前: 【東電 60.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/20(金) 08:00:54.11 ID:oGAAOxgT]
>>629 Good morning Jim-san.

631 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/05/20(金) 23:05:16.78 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

632 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/05/20(金) 23:23:34.85 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

633 名前: 【東電 66.6 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/21(土) 01:37:34.65 ID:htB4nUsQ]
Good nigght

634 名前: 【東電 59.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/21(土) 07:25:01.67 ID:iYzSrjHu]
>>631 Good morning.

635 名前: 【東電 59.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/21(土) 07:27:44.69 ID:iYzSrjHu]
/ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
|  ⊃ ⌒_つ

Good morning.

636 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/05/21(土) 09:40:15.65 ID:???]
motha fucka

637 名前: 【東電 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/21(土) 12:41:43.41 ID:2U5EEoDX]
Good afternoon

638 名前: 【東電 79.2 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/22(日) 06:24:23.15 ID:uwD1ZpW7]
Good morning.

639 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/22(日) 12:45:26.61 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys. The world did not end yesterday. Today will be a good day.

640 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/22(日) 23:58:45.93 ID:???]
Good night

641 名前: 【東電 65.4 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/23(月) 00:55:36.37 ID:mVw4e4GN]
Good night Jim-san.

642 名前: 【東電 51.8 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/23(月) 05:38:10.83 ID:ZKRVwO0T]
Good morning

643 名前: 【東電 52.5 %】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/23(月) 07:09:02.06 ID:mVw4e4GN]
Good morning.

644 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/23(月) 11:12:10.75 ID:???]
Good morning

645 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/24(火) 07:15:16.37 ID:nYaIVChz]
Good morning.

646 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/24(火) 07:32:54.40 ID:QlebBhmw]
Good morning, it is getting cold here too. We will have a storm soon.
The communications here is fragile, it is possible I will lose communication on
the 25th or 26th.

647 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/25(水) 07:30:15.40 ID:nfIKeliX]
>646 Good morning Jim-san.


648 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/25(水) 10:01:57.34 ID:tBopcJ6g]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,
The storm did not come yet. It has slowed down, and possibly will change course
and not come here.

649 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/25(水) 12:21:36.82 ID:tBopcJ6g]
There is no sun, and I can not see the mountains on the other side of the lake.
If the cyclone comes, this is the direction it will come from.

650 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/26(木) 19:11:09.82 ID:???]
The cyclone has turned North, and will not come to Manila. Yea!
Unfortunately, it will probably go to Japan.

651 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/05/27(金) 07:43:03.59 ID:n5CI1UdH]
Good morning

652 名前: 【東電 60.1 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/27(金) 08:17:53.81 ID:CcmsB/lx]
Good morning Jim-san.

653 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/28(土) 22:08:21.02 ID:???]
Good evening Ero-san

654 名前: 【東電 75.9 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/28(土) 22:18:00.18 ID:hBHMhYO9]
Good evening Jim-san.

655 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/29(日) 03:04:53.32 ID:9AIN5AfF]
Good night.


656 名前: 【東電 57.4 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/29(日) 05:34:22.66 ID:pKAEE2zm]

657 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=20,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/29(日) 06:41:26.03 ID:pKAEE2zm]
Good morning

658 名前: ◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/05/29(日) 07:48:36.90 ID:QaLYNvL/]
Good morning.

659 名前: 【東電 55.8 %】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/29(日) 08:02:46.91 ID:pKAEE2zm]
That is also amusement of BBS. w

660 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/29(日) 14:09:15.93 ID:pKAEE2zm]
My level was set to 40 at last.

661 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/29(日) 14:11:25.00 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,

Time is a great healer.

662 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/05/29(日) 14:22:06.49 ID:RaGEZqx9]

663 名前: ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/05/30(月) 00:27:57.69 ID:Slm3kQmV]

664 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/30(月) 00:46:41.64 ID:???]
You are right. Please accept my apologies.
We are all the same level now.
Even though I sit in a comfortable chair. I have
worked for peace for over 10 years here. I hope that
we can have an enjoyable place to relax and talk.
There are many server changes going on, I am not doing
all of them, but I accept the responsibility for it, because my friends
are doing it.

665 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/30(月) 00:47:13.28 ID:???]
Good night

666 名前:◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/05/30(月) 01:12:32.62 ID:siTibls4]
>659 Another might not have such a playground.
>663 Lv=40が灰になりました。
>665 Good night Jim-san.

Six hundred sixty six

667 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/30(月) 07:05:02.32 ID:siTibls4]
Good morning.

668 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/05/30(月) 08:10:53.02 ID:nyYwDbl9]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.


669 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/30(月) 11:18:02.52 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

670 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/05/30(月) 20:48:43.45 ID:N3SNUWSs]

671 名前: ◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/05/30(月) 22:05:18.27 ID:siTibls4]
>668-669 Good evening.

672 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/30(月) 22:20:31.14 ID:???]
Good evening BBSPINKAys-san.
I will go to sleep soon. Good night.

673 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/05/30(月) 22:28:25.84 ID:???]

674 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/05/31(火) 01:24:58.13 ID:XCjYaIL2]
>672 Good night Jim-san.

675 名前:◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/05/31(火) 07:20:36.49 ID:XCjYaIL2]
Good morning.

676 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/05/31(火) 09:19:47.00 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKNnJV-san

677 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/05/31(火) 23:45:01.50 ID:???]
Good night

678 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxPT】 【Derobbs1306846092266959】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/01(水) 00:40:53.34 ID:af/Nvo07]
Good night Jim-san,◆iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

679 名前: 【東電 63.6 %】 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxPT】 【Dgsaloon1306681644504076】 ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/06/01(水) 02:22:48.98 ID:EtJvv9Ea]
Good night.

680 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/01(水) 06:39:40.06 ID:se2RRx7T]
Good morning

681 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxPT】 【Derobbs1306846092266959】 ◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/06/01(水) 06:54:46.95 ID:af/Nvo07]
Good morning.

682 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/01(水) 09:32:58.35 ID:???]
Good morning

683 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/01(水) 09:36:04.44 ID:???]
How do you do that? [Derobbs bunch of numbers]

684 名前:無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/01(水) 23:00:04.16 ID:yOx2l2YM]
Good night

685 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/02(木) 16:46:02.05 ID:???]
Good afternoon

686 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/06/02(木) 22:08:30.83 ID:aoh2+XKM]

687 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/02(木) 22:29:21.41 ID:???]
Good night

688 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 【Derobbs1306846092266959】 ◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/06/03(金) 01:05:04.51 ID:199ovZPd]
>683 それに関してはよくわからないのです。


689 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/03(金) 06:43:16.45 ID:EEb1GRzy]
Good morning

690 名前:!nnja!nanja ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/03(金) 07:10:39.17 ID:199ovZPd]
Good morning.

691 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 【Derobbs1306846092266959】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/03(金) 07:11:20.41 ID:199ovZPd]
miss post

692 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/03(金) 09:02:02.52 ID:???]
Good morning

693 名前: 【東電 76.8 %】 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 【Dliveanime1306927793838697】 ◆3KemOnO.wI [2011/06/03(金) 20:21:30.93 ID:syblDabu]


694 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/03(金) 22:28:43.55 ID:???]
Good night

695 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/04(土) 00:58:35.05 ID:M0D9gmLe]
Good night.

696 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/04(土) 04:43:12.41 ID:0uQvbw5j]
Good morning

697 名前: ◆BBSPINKNNnJV [2011/06/04(土) 06:59:11.23 ID:M0D9gmLe]
Good morning.

698 名前:無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/04(土) 08:08:34.99 ID:18KJ6mXu]
>>696-697 Good morning.

699 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/04(土) 11:59:37.48 ID:M0D9gmLe]
Lunch time.

700 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/04(土) 22:11:22.77 ID:???]
Bed time for me. Goodnight BBSPINKAys-san.

701 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/05(日) 07:22:05.42 ID:mfTm/yho]
Good morning

702 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/05(日) 08:29:08.01 ID:cziXMHRX]
>700>701 Good morning.

703 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/05(日) 08:57:13.68 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san. I have to work on plumbing today.

704 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/06(月) 10:13:45.27 ID:???]
Good morning

705 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/06(月) 22:15:00.17 ID:qrBPqNJt]
Good evening iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

706 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/06(月) 22:36:01.61 ID:p+rrganH]
Good evening BBSPINKAys-san, sure is hot today.

707 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=4,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/06(月) 23:34:26.73 ID:p+rrganH]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

708 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/07(火) 07:27:18.79 ID:z86NYhky]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.
It seems to be cloudy all day here.

709 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/07(火) 08:14:01.49 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san, it looks like the morning fog will fade here.

710 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/08(水) 07:14:46.62 ID:Vd7hNESh]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

711 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/08(水) 08:44:19.85 ID:4l+/KnKg]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,
There is no need for the formality, please just call me iN7YyCc4Vc.

712 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/09(木) 00:21:14.59 ID:tTz0Yrx0]
Good night

713 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 【Derobbs1306846092266959】◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/09(木) 07:46:11.20 ID:1J+m6Bqb]

Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san,EROyVmNwwM-san.

714 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/09(木) 07:49:29.40 ID:6ZnKYpnw]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san and EroyVmnwwM-san.
School is canceled in Manila today because of bad weather.

715 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/09(木) 10:56:23.23 ID:tTz0Yrx0]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san 無名氏-san.

The DSL of my room stopped for a long time last night.
Probably, that cause is because rain is long time.
I used the mobile WiFi router that time.

716 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/09(木) 17:03:32.35 ID:6ZnKYpnw]
>>715 Many problems here too. Even the telephone was not working for a long time.

717 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/09(木) 17:21:04.13 ID:tTz0Yrx0]
I was surprised at interruption to the telephone.
My land-phone did not have a problem.

However, my health condition has a problem.
I feel that I have to go to a hospital tomorrow.

718 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/09(木) 20:39:18.12 ID:???]
>>716 I will come there around noon.

719 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/09(木) 20:49:51.04 ID:???]
>>716 I will come there around noon.

720 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/09(木) 22:27:23.97 ID:tTz0Yrx0]
Thank you.

I am going to go to the hospital in which the Japanese doctor near my home is.
I can walk there. It is very near there from my home.

721 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/09(木) 22:31:15.90 ID:???]
Take care, I will go there tomorrow and see you.
Good night Ero-san and BBSPINKAys-san.

722 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/10(金) 07:34:05.71 ID:CCnTF077]
>720 Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san and ERO-san.
Good night.

723 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=7,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/10(金) 09:12:08.52 ID:E5iZ6TDZ]
Good morning guys.

724 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/11(土) 09:26:44.92 ID:Nvxc/bzq]
>723 Good morning.
Rain becoming fine.

725 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/11(土) 10:46:14.31 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,
The spring rain will bring flowers.

726 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/12(日) 08:10:27.34 ID:4VArJPD0]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.
After rain, a beautiful flower was seen.

727 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=8,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/12(日) 09:05:31.88 ID:0ObNDF0M]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san,
The sun is out, but the clouds are coming, there will be more rain today.

728 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/12(日) 21:48:57.07 ID:???]
Tomorrow is a holiday for independance day.

729 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/12(日) 23:06:13.38 ID:???]
Good night

730 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/13(月) 07:14:07.48 ID:eUBSIloI]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

731 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=9,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/13(月) 09:00:29.49 ID:RU0cGLWb]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

732 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/14(火) 07:11:01.60 ID:guNJpADG]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

733 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/14(火) 07:26:46.73 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

734 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/15(水) 08:07:11.16 ID:MqW1PUps]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

735 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/15(水) 08:17:17.87 ID:6Dm1ySpH]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

736 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/15(水) 21:52:00.18 ID:???]
Good night guys.

737 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/16(木) 07:28:10.41 ID:tCaL2baI]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

738 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/06/16(木) 09:26:50.92 ID:???]

739 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/16(木) 13:04:38.73 ID:???]
Good afternoon BBSPINKYys-san,
I was stuck in traffic all morning. I turned around and will just work from here.

740 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/17(金) 08:43:52.14 ID:???]
Good morning

741 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 07:58:46.44 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

742 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/18(土) 09:08:56.83 ID:KdJO3EmC]
Good morning 無名氏-san.
How are you this morning?

743 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 09:31:59.60 ID:???]
I am completely empty. My bowels have been evacuated completely.

744 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 09:35:15.50 ID:???]
The amoeba is useful for cleansing the colon.

745 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/18(土) 09:48:30.84 ID:KdJO3EmC]
You may lose weight by that. hehehe
However, that condition is not good for health.
I think that it is good for you to go to a hospital.

746 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/18(土) 09:48:36.80 ID:7TaXKJoV]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san,ERO-san.
It's raining today.

747 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 09:57:42.53 ID:???]
It is a good thing. No rain = No rice.

748 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 10:04:14.23 ID:???]
The girls are making me pancakes. I will try to eat.

749 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/18(土) 13:24:43.42 ID:KdJO3EmC]
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san.
It is thin cloudy today.

Sounds good.
Were you eaten with good appetite in the pancake?

750 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 15:35:58.86 ID:???]
I ate two pancakes. I will eat some oatmeal later. I am worried to eat. Really weak now, but the pissing from my ass seems to have stopped.

751 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 21:52:59.52 ID:???]
It is back again, and my vision is blurry. i will go to bed and tomorrow go find the cure at the pharmacy.

752 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/19(日) 20:37:47.69 ID:Zazt7VhB]
Good evening 無名氏-san.
How is your health condition this evening?

753 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/20(月) 07:16:17.67 ID:7xHAiayg]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san, ERO-san.
iN7YyCc4Vc-san, おだいじに。

754 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/20(月) 08:48:40.84 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKSAys-san.

755 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/20(月) 21:52:33.65 ID:???]
Good night guys.

756 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/21(火) 00:22:15.92 ID:9ArCHBpY]
Good night.

757 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/21(火) 01:00:42.00 ID:IXQVx69S]
Good night.
It was raining and raining. That rain stopped at last tonight.

758 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/21(火) 07:13:05.81 ID:???]
Good morning Guys.

759 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/21(火) 07:13:57.11 ID:9ArCHBpY]
Good morning.

760 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=13,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/21(火) 21:59:46.90 ID:77a8vAeu]
Good night guys.

761 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 07:34:53.48 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

762 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/22(水) 12:02:15.64 ID:Fzr5Ksh1]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.
Lunch time.

763 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 16:53:28.52 ID:???]
It is Miller time for me. Yomi is restored and set, venus, babiru, qiufen and idol are moved to banana3001. Some DNS will need to be updated, but all data is safe and secure finally.

764 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 22:42:47.00 ID:???]
Good night

765 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/23(木) 00:11:13.96 ID:cBPmG6/I]
Good night.

766 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/23(木) 07:11:21.60 ID:cBPmG6/I]
Good morning.

767 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/23(木) 07:42:44.69 ID:HlpMEUrP]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

768 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/23(木) 09:01:46.63 ID:???]
Good morning guys. It is a grey day.

769 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/24(金) 00:25:40.96 ID:HlSlsoQ9]
お疲れ様でした >Jim-san

Good night iN7YyCc4Vc-san, ERO-san.

770 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 07:09:00.62 ID:???]
Good morning guys,
>>768 I moved idol off of banana3222. Maybe dns has not updated yet?

771 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/24(金) 07:30:08.47 ID:8bp9pAP6]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

772 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 08:00:46.00 ID:???]
I am using my ipad. I have no terminal so I can't check DNS.
Please do an nslookup and see what server it is showing up on.

773 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 08:02:53.68 ID:???]
When I get money again I want to get the Asus TF-101. It is the next generation of computing. Like the ipad, with mouse support and it runs Android so you can have terminal on it.

774 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 20:21:48.59 ID:???]

775 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 21:19:33.76 ID:???]
Good night guys.

776 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/25(土) 08:04:33.64 ID:cQm5mqNg]
Good morning Jim-san.

777 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=15,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/25(土) 08:22:51.04 ID:Isk8SihX]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san. It is still raining here.

778 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/26(日) 08:02:56.70 ID:qiMa9XDC]
Good morning.

779 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=16,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/26(日) 10:59:34.03 ID:spTPslCu]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

780 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/06/27(月) 02:39:06.32 ID:3wLF1Ufb]

781 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/27(月) 07:00:07.14 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

782 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/27(月) 07:41:16.74 ID:oUfhDRwC]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san, Jim-san.

783 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/27(月) 22:24:21.01 ID:???]
Good night guys.

784 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/28(火) 07:20:03.12 ID:v1s/1KhZ]
Good morning Jim-san.

785 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/28(火) 08:31:56.98 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san

786 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/28(火) 22:27:14.35 ID:???]
Good night guys

787 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/29(水) 00:06:43.44 ID:dSktYukS]
Good night Jim-san.

788 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/29(水) 05:36:24.73 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

789 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/29(水) 07:21:04.96 ID:dSktYukS]
>788 Good morning Jim-san.

790 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/30(木) 00:37:52.50 ID:???]
Good night guys.

791 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/30(木) 08:34:33.06 ID:nT3N+H63]
Good morning Jim-san.

792 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/30(木) 08:40:25.51 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

793 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/01(金) 07:23:33.90 ID:eHhp7uyl]
>792 Good morning Jim-san.

794 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/01(金) 11:14:39.27 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

795 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/02(土) 07:19:17.41 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

796 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/02(土) 07:48:24.11 ID:ArEdcohC]
Good morning Jim-san.
It is a beautiful weather today.

797 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/02(土) 08:00:18.40 ID:aWei6v30]
Good morning Jim-san, Ero-san.

798 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/02(土) 08:20:35.86 ID:ORIJcauM]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
What is the weather in your place this morning?

799 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/03(日) 07:46:36.09 ID:RLtxm/JH]
Good morning ERO-san.
It is cloudy, and a forecast of rain to the back this morning.

800 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=18,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/03(日) 08:17:04.82 ID:au60ZOJE]
Wow, that weather is similar to here. It might be a little cooler here.

801 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/04(月) 08:44:49.09 ID:???]
Good morning and happy 4th of July.

802 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/04(月) 11:05:28.58 ID:B3Pcqpgg]
Good morning Jim-san, and Fourth of July.

803 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/05(火) 00:42:50.14 ID:AMRr8uAz]
Good night.

804 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/05(火) 06:56:14.53 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

805 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/05(火) 07:20:05.62 ID:AMRr8uAz]
Good morning.

806 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/05(火) 22:20:35.00 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

807 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/06(水) 07:14:08.18 ID:dSngT2ED]
>>806 Good morning Jim-san.

808 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/06(水) 07:41:50.52 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

809 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [2011/07/06(水) 21:40:56.49 ID:M30+PGXR]

810 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/07/06(水) 22:15:48.01 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san

811 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/07(木) 00:17:57.69 ID:5lGQq15Z]
Good night Jim-san.

812 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/07(木) 06:49:18.35 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

813 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/07(木) 07:06:13.30 ID:5lGQq15Z]
Good morning Jim-san.

814 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/08(金) 00:30:29.50 ID:IvGvWLX1]
Good night.

815 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/08(金) 07:16:40.01 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
2ch wants to play a game with us. I don't know the rules though.
I told them we would play. Let's have fun.

816 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/07/09(土) 10:07:47.67 ID:???]
Good morning guys

817 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/09(土) 10:30:05.78 ID:LDzcQice]
Good morning Jim-san.
To know the PINK CHANNEL well, it tries to read the site policy.

818 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=20,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/09(土) 10:39:44.89 ID:1U+Croyy]
The site policy has nothing to do with the game that 2ch wants to play.
Maybe they have a thread that talks about that game, so I can figure it out.
I don't know where the thread is though.
It is something about checkers.

819 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=20,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/10(日) 09:15:09.36 ID:ZgVfTr5X]
Good morning guys.

820 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/10(日) 11:51:39.58 ID:XVSxXRJR]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

821 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/10(日) 13:07:24.40 ID:rKYHt93W]
Good afternoon.

The condition of my arm is very bad recently.
My arm hurts and is being palsied.
Probably the cause is a posture.
A good chair and desk may better that.

822 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/10(日) 13:25:26.70 ID:???]
I have a nice office with an office desk and chair in it. That might be a good place to rest.

823 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/11(月) 07:26:33.78 ID:s2oQWGBR]
Good morning & good night.

824 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/11(月) 07:55:51.70 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

825 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/12(火) 07:24:25.62 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

826 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/12(火) 07:38:03.25 ID:Kb/Sa/Ma]
Good morning Jim-san.
Good night,

827 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/12(火) 11:06:07.49 ID:Fp5RJF/W]
Good morning.

I caught cold again.
My body temperature is somewhat high and there are runny nose, a pain of a throat, and a cough.
Probably, I need rest.

828 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/12(火) 14:23:53.09 ID:???]
One of my girls is sick now too. Maybe you both have AC fever.

829 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/12(火) 14:44:20.03 ID:Fp5RJF/W]
I am interested to AC.
However, that is not related to this cold of mine.

830 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/12(火) 21:45:32.54 ID:u/NGmhjt]
Good night friends.

831 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/13(水) 07:20:45.44 ID:r10JYab7]
Good morning.

It prays to improve.
Please take a rest slowly.

Good night.

832 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/13(水) 07:37:11.70 ID:fYlVdHn0]
Good morning Ero-san, hope you are feeling better. Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

833 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/13(水) 09:42:23.98 ID:fYlVdHn0]
You could be getting a rainy season disease.

834 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/13(水) 10:25:03.74 ID:R1RyXCxX]
Good morning.

Thank you for your kindness.

My condition got somewhat good.
The pain of my throat went away.
I have a runny nose a little. And I have a cough.
I do not have dengue fever. Maybe

835 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/13(水) 10:47:18.25 ID:???]
It sounds like sinusitus.

836 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/14(木) 07:31:20.15 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san. Good morning Ero-san. I hope you are feeling better.

837 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/14(木) 13:01:03.44 ID:3x12Gn3K]
Good morning 自夢-san.
My condition is so-so. (´・ω・`)

838 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/14(木) 13:44:15.42 ID:???]
souda souda souda.

839 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/15(金) 06:34:26.52 ID:0I/ybXKy]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

840 名前:◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/15(金) 07:14:22.64 ID:bhw+9TQy]
>837 Good morning ERO-san, Jim-san.

841 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/16(土) 07:52:18.91 ID:0+8FQSbK]
Good morning.

842 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/16(土) 08:12:32.90 ID:5+WZji7o]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
Manila is this morning of nice condition.

843 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/16(土) 09:18:12.82 ID:???]
Good morning Ero-san and BBSPINKAys-san.
Yes it will be a fine day.

844 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/16(土) 23:02:26.18 ID:???]
Good night

845 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/17(日) 07:08:23.06 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

846 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/17(日) 09:46:17.40 ID:/CCmsxlJ]
Good morning Jim-san.

847 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/17(日) 11:19:30.24 ID:CUYyX/7E]
Good morning Jim-san and ERO-san.

848 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/18(月) 06:20:09.74 ID:WxXFop+n]
Goog morning.

849 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/18(月) 06:43:31.49 ID:wosqp/Pu]
Good morning ERO-san.

850 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/18(月) 09:41:59.62 ID:???]
Good morning guys. I just woke up. The dog ate my homework, and I am late for school.

851 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/18(月) 21:27:31.68 ID:HJtmywu6]
Good night guys.

852 名前:◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/19(火) 07:19:29.04 ID:fm3W3XnL]
Good morning.
It's raining all day today and tomorrow.

853 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/19(火) 10:41:18.31 ID:HL4U9CRs]
Good morning.
I am worried that a typhoon may go to Japan.

854 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/19(火) 11:44:34.53 ID:???]
They said it will go to Okinawa.

855 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/20(水) 07:24:15.88 ID:3VzK89e/]
>>854 Good morning Jim-san.
Typhoon is expected to come over here tonight.

856 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/20(水) 08:05:20.04 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san, I hope the typhoon did not damage you.

857 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/21(木) 07:11:42.03 ID:IyuCJKbf]
>856 Good morning Jim-san.
The typhoon missed the course, and there was no damage.

858 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/21(木) 21:03:16.16 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san, I am very happy the typhoon missed you.

859 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/22(金) 07:20:56.55 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

860 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/22(金) 07:31:22.50 ID:JiuCFOgf]
Good morning Jim-san.
Thank you.
It seems to become cool comparatively today.

861 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/22(金) 07:56:59.60 ID:FfJI0sAz]
Lower temperature is the best part of bad weather.

862 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/23(土) 00:00:44.60 ID:???]
Good night guys.

863 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/23(土) 07:45:49.83 ID:is30nx2e]
Good morning Jim-san.

864 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/23(土) 08:52:59.99 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

865 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/24(日) 07:21:43.69 ID:wqmNJJYU]
Good morning Jim-san.

866 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/24(日) 09:15:11.42 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

867 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/24(日) 10:12:53.93 ID:???]
We are surrounded by cumulonimbus clouds, but it is not raining. I don't think
the weather forcasters work on Sunday, so I am going to predict 90% chance of

868 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/25(月) 07:50:11.87 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

869 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 mailto:sage [2011/07/26(火) 01:54:27.32 ID:???]
Good night

870 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/26(火) 07:41:40.33 ID:ruF/APsj]
Good morning Jim-san.

871 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/26(火) 10:52:08.35 ID:kL7qDLhJ]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
Manila is a rainy morning now.

872 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/26(火) 21:26:33.74 ID:CK+JJCED]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.
I have been driving most of the day. Time for me to go to sleep.

873 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [2011/07/27(水) 01:15:27.40 ID:O8r8GlHp]
God night!

874 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=31,xxxPT】 mailto:sage [2011/07/27(水) 16:47:43.36 ID:???]

875 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/28(木) 07:22:16.69 ID:3+Hn1kEY]
Good morning Jim-san.
It is weather whether it rains here or doesn't fall.

876 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=32,xxxPT】 [2011/07/28(木) 09:25:21.72 ID:yXK6q51A]

877 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/28(木) 14:22:40.58 ID:RrHZyviG]
wwwwwwww >>875
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

878 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/29(金) 07:27:43.55 ID:n1wx79tm]
Good morning.

879 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/29(金) 08:21:19.86 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
I have been taking csre of some fsmily problems this week.

880 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/29(金) 12:34:47.49 ID:ZvKQqe7v]
Good afternoon

881 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/29(金) 13:48:56.57 ID:???]
Good afternoon EroyVmNwwM-san.

882 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/29(金) 17:39:09.35 ID:g35vMD7f]
Weather is grey, with a pleasant temperature.

883 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 [2011/07/30(土) 00:42:52.84 ID:Y6YbBTME]

884 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/30(土) 06:58:58.59 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

885 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/30(土) 08:24:31.05 ID:zD0FL2nC]
Good morning Jim-san.
Good night.

886 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/31(日) 12:08:00.70 ID:z/kvm71G]
Good afternoon.

887 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/31(日) 16:39:32.32 ID:???]
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san.

888 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/01(月) 06:21:26.64 ID:xRVIgSFl]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

889 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/01(月) 07:13:08.81 ID:scj08hfd]
>888 Good morning Jim-san.

890 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/01(月) 07:23:18.65 ID:xRVIgSFl]
Working on the offlaw problem. It is looking like we will have to buy another
server. That might have to wait a while.

891 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/02(火) 08:17:23.70 ID:bobE1hFO]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

892 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/02(火) 22:24:30.00 ID:5UpzB4IG]
Good night guys.

893 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/03(水) 00:12:24.15 ID:QiXQYLQ/]
Good night Jim-san.

894 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/03(水) 06:29:09.31 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

895 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/03(水) 07:08:43.16 ID:QiXQYLQ/]
Good morning Jim-san.

896 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/08/03(水) 14:31:43.54 ID:???]
hello hello

897 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/03(水) 22:03:44.26 ID:???]
Hello to you too.

898 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/03(水) 22:15:51.06 ID:???]
Good night guys.

899 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/04(木) 00:11:51.77 ID:FphU0S6M]
Good night.

900 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/04(木) 05:27:06.63 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

901 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/04(木) 22:30:13.63 ID:it6AbBiJ]
Good night guys.

902 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/05(金) 07:33:50.26 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

903 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/05(金) 07:44:09.72 ID:goMt+sSO]
Good morning Jim-san.

904 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/06(土) 08:09:33.61 ID:b3KHTS2b]
Good morning.

905 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/07(日) 07:05:53.95 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

906 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/07(日) 07:53:00.27 ID:7wKASnpS]
>905 Good morning Jim-san.

907 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/08(月) 06:48:16.54 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

908 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/08(月) 17:41:23.65 ID:Ippi+Pco]
Good afternoon Jim-san.

909 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=12,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM mailto:sage [2011/08/09(火) 05:28:18.16 ID:???]
Good morning.

910 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/09(火) 07:24:02.36 ID:QPhaurGj]
Good morning.

911 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/09(火) 07:53:02.90 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

912 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/09(火) 20:54:19.04 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

913 名前: ◆jtHtMr3tGQ mailto:sage [2011/08/10(水) 01:09:43.38 ID:???]
Gute Nacht

914 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/10(水) 07:59:16.52 ID:bH4l2XzN]
guten Morgen.

915 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/10(水) 08:06:52.93 ID:7BOYrLxG]
Guten morgen Herr BBSPINKAys.

916 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [2011/08/10(水) 08:35:07.66 ID:aW7I67M1]

917 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/10(水) 22:25:18.09 ID:7BOYrLxG]
Good night guys. >>916 English or other languages only please, and Good night to you too...;)

918 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=29,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM mailto:sage [2011/08/11(木) 00:39:07.94 ID:???]
Good night.

919 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/11(木) 07:12:11.48 ID:d5Ms6MXL]
Good morning.

920 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=33,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM mailto:sage [2011/08/11(木) 09:48:12.96 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

921 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/11(木) 10:50:47.69 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san and Ero-san. My earlier post from Mamemaki
didn't come. Just a few translations, and some work with the posting system and
we can let people use the completely new version.

922 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/11(木) 21:58:37.16 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san and Ero-san.
This post is coming from Mamemaki...:) Woot Woot it is working.

923 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/11(木) 22:00:56.47 ID:8fiuypvm]
Probably tomorrow we can make this new super cool and excellent version live.

924 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=37,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM mailto:sage [2011/08/12(金) 06:02:26.48 ID:???]
Good morning Jim-san BBSPINKAys -san.

Sounds great!!

925 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/12(金) 07:21:51.28 ID:???]
Good morning Ero-san and BBSPINKAys-san.

926 名前: ◆jtHtMr3tGQ mailto:sage [2011/08/12(金) 09:47:12.01 ID:???]
Dobro jutro. imam šupljine...

927 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/12(金) 11:00:46.49 ID:IfB6P5ep]
Good morning Jim-san, ERO-san and jtHtMr3tGQ-san.
ID and the password of Mamemaki were forgotten.
It looks for for a moment.

928 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/12(金) 19:39:14.06 ID:Q5k4xs7P]
How is it working for you? I am posting now with the new system at
My Maru works very well with it.

929 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/12(金) 19:48:52.51 ID:Q5k4xs7P]
Is a post that Maru did not work, but now it is working. The beautiful, black
ball of fun.

930 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/12(金) 20:45:30.92 ID:???]
This is a bug. I will start to keep track of them here.
The link to the previous post is not working.

931 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/12(金) 21:37:21.07 ID:Q5k4xs7P]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san, Ero-san, and ◆jtHtMr3tGQ.

932 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/08/13(土) 06:56:37.38 ID:V15ylJEL]
Good morning guys.

933 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/08/13(土) 11:55:26.41 ID:bAU7lqme]
Good morning Jim-san.
Log in was able to be done to Mamemaki.

934 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/13(土) 13:26:25.16 ID:???]
That is great news. I hope you really enjoy it. I know there are many bugs.
We will fix the many bugs as people report them. Please enjoy it.

935 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 mailto:sage [2011/08/13(土) 19:41:01.62 ID:???]
good evening everyone!

936 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/13(土) 22:23:04.03 ID:???]
Good evening to you too.

937 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/13(土) 23:40:16.99 ID:???]
Good night friends.

938 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/08/14(日) 08:27:42.47 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

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