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島根女子大生死体遺棄事件 Part.13

360 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2017/03/17(金) 17:04:33.33 ID:???.net]
Wausau man accused of sexual contact with horse

On Wednesday, Marathon County sheriff's deputies were sent to a barn in the town of Wausau,
where they found Kreft near a horse, according to court documents. Kreft was wearing a face mask,
black jacket and blue wind pants with holes cut in the groin and buttocks areas,
according to court documents.
He told deputies after he was arrested that he went to the barn
and performed oral sex on the horse and tried to arouse the horse with his hand,
according to court documents. He said he had viewed "horse pornography" before the incident.

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