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【オランダ】ユーロ懐疑派の政党が選挙で勝利、上院において保守派与党連合の過半数優位を崩す ユトレヒト銃撃事件の影響

1 名前:みつを ★ mailto:sage [2019/03/21(木) 18:25:27.19 ID:kW6Nc2gW9.net]
【オランダ】ユーロ懐疑派の政党が選挙で勝利、上院において保守派与党連合の過半数優位を崩す ユトレヒト銃撃事件の影響


Euroskeptic newcomers unseat Dutch PM’s conservative Senate majority in wake of Utrecht shooting
Published time: 21 Mar, 2019 08:07

Euroskeptic party, Forum for Democracy, is set to become one of the two largest groups in the Dutch Senate, stripping the ruling coalition of its majority after winning provincial elections on Wednesday.

Forum voor Democratie (FvD) has scored a major victory and is set win 12 seats in the upper house of parliament – as many as Prime Minister Mark Rutte's conservative VVD Party, Dutch broadcaster NOS reported after the majority of the votes were counted. The outcome also means the loss of its Senate majority for the ruling coalition, which comprises four center-right parties led by the VVD.

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