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14/11/12 21:15:02.03 8HbU4c4V
Online has suffered far less during the economic downturn
than store sales, and companies are now trying to capitalise
on this by offering more convenience, such as collection not
just at the stores themselves, but at underground stations
and other points that full-time workers may find more convenient
than home delivery.
There are also efforts to make the out-of-town stores
more attractive ­destinations in their own right, with the addition of eateries and recreational facilities,
such as gyms and cinemas.
Where the big stores still turn out to be too big,
sections are being hived off to service online sales
or administration.
Sainsburyfs link-up with Denmarkfs Netto is designed to create
a subdivision of Aldi-like stores, gwith a Scandinavian twisth,
without damaging the Sainsburyfs brand by taking it downmarket.
Tesco is reported to have toyed with a similar idea, but rejected it, preferring to branch out into services, such as banking, video and mobile phones.
The most conspicuous recent development is the move into smaller
stores. All the gbig fourh, plus Waitrose and the Co-op
(with around 5% of the UK market apiece) have been transferring their focus from hypermarkets to gmini-­marketsh located closer to where people live. Membership
of the group allows them to undercut traditional gcorner shopsh on price and outdo them on ­quality.
While these mini Tescos and Sainsburys may eventually
cause the demise of this familiar feature of the British streetscape, however, they are nowhere near seeing off the challenge from the Germans. Branches of Aldi
and Lidl seem just the right size, with the right balance of choice
and availability. Their British counterparts, in contrast, are often smaller, more congested, more capriciously stocked – and overall quite a lot more expensive.


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