y’·•¶OKz2ch‰pŒê¨“ ..
14/11/05 00:38:06.05 OfdVSlmU
Well, that's odd. I answeard a phone call while waiting for cowokers to arrive and it was a recording warning me about a bomb threat in the area but gave little to no information about anything else.

308:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/05 00:50:42.84 NinS1vuD

14/11/05 01:03:16.39 XIzh+bGs
u]ƒzƒ‚ƒnƒQŒXŒü‚É‚ ‚邱‚Æ‚ð—§Ø‚Å‚«‚邾‚¯‚ÌØ‹’‚ª‚Í‚Á‚«‚肵‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢‚½‚ßA—›‘ã•\•vÈ‚ðw]–kx‚ÆŽå’£‚µ‚Ä‚Í‚È‚ç‚È‚¢v‚Æà–¾‚µ‚½ˆê•ûA
–p³à†Œ³‘哗̂ɑ΂µ‚Ä‚Íu‘Š“–‚È‹^˜f‚ª•‚サ‚Ä‚¢‚éƒAƒiƒ‹«Œð•”•ª‚Å‚ ‚邽‚ßA˜_‘ˆ‚ð’Ê‚¶‚ÄŽ–ŽÀ‚ð‹†–¾‚·‚é•K—v‚ª‚ ‚év‚Æ‚¢‚¤A

Please translate above japanese sentences.

14/11/05 01:08:06.23 XIzh+bGs
I thrilled at the way he move into me. That strange urgent feeling grew stronger.
He continued to move me slowlgy against him. He wasn't thresting in so much as he was holding on to may hips
and the a therd time, and suddenly, i was overwhelmed with sansation.
It was the most incredible thing I had ever feld. My stomach contracted hard and then,
i coudl feel it squeezing aroundme over and over and over.
Waves of pleassure rushed through me so much that I creid out, "Oh my God, myGod!"

14/11/05 03:48:46.98 /fUikSSj
Hi ~~~~~~,

Thank you for submitting your query to our Documents team.

We are temporarily experiencing delays in answering queries however we will endeavour to reply to you as soon as possible. We hope to return to full service soon and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Your reference number is ~~~~~-~~~~~ should you need to quote it in any follow up contacts.

Kind regards,

Documents Team

14/11/05 06:26:14.81 GV+vpWfH
~~~~~~ —l

ƒhƒLƒ…ƒƒ“ƒgƒ`[ƒ€‚Ö‚¨–â‚¢‡‚킹‚¢‚½‚¾‚«A‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·B

Œ»ÝA‚¨–â‚¢‡‚킹‚Ö‚Ì‚¨“š‚¦‚É ­X‚¨ŽžŠÔ‚ð‚¢‚½‚¾‚¢‚Ä‚¨‚è‚Ü‚·B‚È‚é‚ׂ­‘‹}‚É‚¨“š‚¦‚Å‚«‚Ü‚·‚悤A‡ŽŸ‘Ήž’†‚Å‚·B
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14/11/05 18:01:45.09 LwY6i1Je
We all agree that the aim of education is to fit the child for life; however, there are as many opinions as to how that fitting is to be done as there are men to hold them.

14/11/05 18:02:46.63 LwY6i1Je
For example, fully half of our teachers cannot see that imagination is the root of all civilization.

14/11/05 18:03:31.53 LwY6i1Je
Like love, imagination may very fairly be said to 'make the world go around,' but, as it works out of sight, it is given very little credit for what it performs.

14/11/05 18:09:07.66 LwY6i1Je
Ž„‚½‚¿‘Sˆõ‚Í‹³ˆç‚ÌÅ“_‚ÍŽq‹Ÿ‚Ìl¶‚ɇ‚킹‚é‚ׂ«‚¾‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚±‚Ƃňӌ©‚ªˆê’v‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚邪‚»‚ê‚ç‚̈ӌ©‚ðŒ¾‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚él‚Æ“¯‚¶‚­‚ç‚¢‚»‚Ì’²ß‚ð‚Ç‚¤s‚¤‚©‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Ì‚½‚­‚³‚ñ‚̈ӌ©‚ª‚ ‚éB—Ⴆ‚έ‚È‚­‚Æ‚à‰äX‚Ì涂̔¼•ª‚Í‘z‘œ—Í‚Í‚·‚ׂĕ¶–¾‚̪Œ¹‚Å‚ ‚é‚Æ—‰ð‚Å‚«‚È‚¢B

14/11/05 18:09:45.76 LwY6i1Je
‚Ɩ󂵂½‚Ì‚Å‚·‚ª‚ ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©B‚¨Šè‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·B˜A“Š‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñB

14/11/05 18:11:31.14 t5m5OEGl
‰p•¶“ljðuÀ ‚‹´‘Pº

319:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/05 18:35:44.70 NinS1vuD
>>313 ‚Æ 314 ‚Æ >>315 ‚Í–{“–‚ɂ‚Ȃª‚Á‚Ä‚é‚ÌH

320:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/05 18:46:15.96 NinS1vuD


14/11/05 18:49:40.95 LwY6i1Je
ƒrƒWƒ…ƒAƒ‹‚É‚ ‚é‚ñ‚Å‚·‚ªˆÓ–ó‚Ì‚Æ‚±‚낪‘½‚­‚Ä•••

322:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/05 18:57:30.89 NinS1vuD
Ø‚è“\‚肵‚Ä‚é‚Ì‚à‚ ‚ꂾ‚¯‚Ç‚à

> But the differences of opinion as to how that fitting is to be done are almost
> as many as there are men to hold them. iƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹j

> however, there are as many opinions as to how that fitting is to be done as
> there are men to hold them. i“Œ‘åj

‚±‚¤‚¢‚¤•— as ... as ‚ÌŠÔ‚É as to ‚ð‘}“ü‚µ‚ÄA‚í‚´‚Æ“Ç‚Ý‚É‚­‚­‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Æ‚±‚ë‚à‰}‚炵‚¢B

14/11/05 21:41:29.00 r+SWtNCV
Ž„‚ÍÁ”ïÅ‘Å‚É”½‘΂ł ‚éB


14/11/05 21:49:52.47 u1vTBxTU

14/11/05 22:34:14.66 r+SWtNCV

14/11/06 03:29:11.06 BnFO76lB
You better discover what it is before you throw everything away trying to find it.
‰½ŒÌeverything away‚̌オ, try to find it‚Å‚Í‚È‚­trying to find it‚É‚È‚Á‚Ä‚é‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©H

14/11/06 03:33:34.27 BnFO76lB
‚»‚ê‚Æ‚àwhile trying to find it‚ª–{—ˆ‚ÌŒ`‚ÅÈ—ª‚³‚ê‚Ä‚é‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©H

14/11/06 06:22:43.94 PPaYpEKl
Our oldest is almost 11, so we haven't hit the dreaded teenage years, but I say bring them on.
Dads who are further down the road than I am regret not being more emotionally engaged with their teenage daughters.
It will be awkward for all of us, but I'm leaning right into it. Periods, boyfriends, shaving armpits, Snapchat, whatever it is.
My girls won't know any different than their dad being every bit as engaged when they're 15 as he was when they were 5.
Don't disappear when their emotions and bodies start changing.


14/11/06 17:06:28.59 giJbgDJg
¶—‚ÌŽ–A”ÞŽ‚ÌŽ–Aãü–Ñ‚ð’ä‚鎖AŽÊ^‹¤—LƒAƒvƒŠ‚ÌŽg‚¢•ûA‚»‚ꂪ‚È‚ñ‚Å‚ ‚êB


14/11/06 17:40:34.92 oP6mndeD

‚±‚Ì“®‰æ‚ÅAfirst edition ‚̤•i‚Æ@second edition ‚Ì‚»‚ê‚̈Ⴂ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚­‚‚©Œê‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é‚ÆŽv‚¤‚Ì‚Å‚·‚ªA

14/11/06 17:41:04.38 oP6mndeD

14/11/06 18:21:03.39 G79zM/8M

14/11/06 18:34:00.74 oP6mndeD
>>332‚³‚ñ‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤I

14/11/06 21:33:00.61 gxmO/nzM

‚¤‚¿‚ÌŽq‚ňê”Ô”N’·‚È‚Ì‚Í‚à‚¤‚¶‚«11Ë‚É‚È‚éŽq‚¾B‚¾‚©‚çA‚ ‚Ì‹°‚é‚ׂ«
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14/11/06 22:27:33.63 uOpMnhBR
11 (Eleven)A12 (Twelve)A13 (Thirteen)‚̂悤‚É

Œµ–§‚ÉŒ¾‚¦‚Îteenage years=10‘ã‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢‚ª


14/11/06 22:41:24.41 ejRZHuED

14/11/06 23:09:28.51 gmHavoHo
‹£‚臂¢‚ª‰¸‚â‚©‚Å‚ ‚ê‚ÎA‚»‚ꂪ‚¤‚Ü‚­‚¢‚«‚Ü‚·B‚Å‚àAŽè‚Ìž‚ñ‚¾’·‚¢‚¨•i‘‚«‚ª‚»‚Ì‘‚Å‚Í‚Ç‚¤‚Å‚·‚©B‚»‚Ì“‚—g‚°”„‚è‚Ìs‚«æ‚ª‚»‚Ì‘‚Å‚Í‚«‚Ñ‚µ‚¢‚Å‚·B

14/11/06 23:22:47.14 NQOb7fux
‚æ‚낵‚­‚¨Šè‚¢‚¢‚½‚µ‚Ü‚·BA good way to figure out where commas go, is to say it out loud and see where you pause. Unless you talk like William Shatner and pause after every word.

14/11/07 03:54:11.33 RAz4JCpF


Thank you for your email,
due to unforeseen circumstances we have been unable to respond to your query in a timely manner.
As there has been an unfortunate length of time passed you may have reached out to us via another channel,
either Chat or Phone and as such your query has already be resolved.
There is no requirement for you to respond to this email unless your issue is still outstanding.
If this is the case we will endeavour to resolve your issue as a priority.

We would like to sincerely apologise that your correspondence has not been addressed within a reasonable time and can assure you that all possible steps are being taken to address this situation.


William Hill Online
Customer Services

14/11/07 03:57:50.55 RAz4JCpF
Dear ~~~~~,

I am contacting you regarding the recent withdrawal request you made from your account.
As part of our security measures, we ask that you provide us with the following documentation for identification purposes:

1/. A valid photo ID (such as a driverfs license or passport)

2/. The front and back of the bank card ending **** (8180) used to deposit into the William Hill account
(please ensure the back has the signature of the owner, and that the middle 8 digits on the front of the card and the 3 digit security code on the back are covered/obscured)

Please can you ensure that the images shows all edges of the document in clear detail before forwarding them as attachments to
documents@willhill.com in .JPEG format.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause,
but hope you can appreciate the need to ensure security is maintained at all times.

If you have any questions, a member of our Customer Support Team is available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at support@willhill.com or via our elive chatf link that appears in the emy accountf section when you are logged in.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this matter.

Kind Regards,
William Hill Customer Support

14/11/07 04:22:31.23 thHFGk/5


14/11/07 11:11:57.84 GKMVRmmM

ƒ[ƒ‹‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚ñ
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14/11/07 11:26:04.40 GKMVRmmM



1/. —LŒøŠúŒÀ“à‚ÌŽÊ^•t‚«ID (‰^“]–Æ‹–ØAƒpƒXƒ|[ƒg‚È‚Ç)

2/. ƒEƒBƒŠƒAƒ€Eƒqƒ‹‚Ö‚ÌU‚èž‚Ý‚ÉŽg—p‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éƒoƒ“ƒNƒJ[ƒh—¼–Ê‚Ì––”ö **** (8180)
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support@willhill.com‚܂Ń[ƒ‹‚¢‚½‚¾‚­‚©Aƒ}ƒC ƒAƒJƒEƒ“ƒg‰æ–Ê‚É•\Ž¦‚³‚ê‚éelive chatfƒŠƒ“ƒN‚©‚炨–â‚¢‡‚킹‚¢‚½‚¾‚¯‚Ü‚·B



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14/11/07 11:28:15.02 GKMVRmmM

14/11/07 15:05:55.02 HxDcx3G0
They are going through a quiet period.


14/11/07 15:41:51.81 jssTA6xs
‰ÌŽŒ‚̘a–ó‚ð‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½‚Ì‚ÅA“Yí‚ð‚¨Šè‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·BˆÓ–¡‚ÌŽæ‚èˆá‚¦‚â•s“K“–‚È–óA‚Ü‚½‚Í‚æ‚è“K“–‚È–ó—Ⴊ‚ ‚ê‚΂²Žw“E‚­‚¾‚³‚¢B
˜a–ó‚Ìš•”•ª‚͈ê”ÔŽ©M‚ª‚È‚¢ŒÂŠ‚Å‚·BiThe force of love / Liaj

All alone, somewhere far away from home@‚Ý‚ñ‚ȌǓƂð•ø‚¦‚Ä‚é@ŒÌ‹½‚©‚ç—y‚©‰“‚­‚Å
In a lonely place where no one knows your name@Ž©•ª‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚È‚ñ‚Ä@ˆêŒÚ‚¾‚É‚³‚ê‚È‚¢êŠ‚Å

Lost inside a corner of your mind@“¹‚É–À‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é‚ñ‚¾@ŒË˜f‚¤ˆÓŽ¯‚Ì’[‚Á‚±‚Å
Looking for a place to hide and none to find@Ž©•ª‚¾‚¯‚̉B‚ê‰Æ‚ð’T‚µ‚Ä‚é

Back in the days when you were just a child@”]— ‚ð‚悬‚é@—c‚«‚Ì“úX
The sunrays danced eternally@—zŒõ‚ª‚¢‚‚܂łà—x‚Á‚Ä‚½

And when you least expect it, you hear a voice inside@‚»‚µ‚Ä‚Ó‚Æ‚µ‚½uŠÔ@S‚̺‚ªš‘‚­
Telling you to begin the life of your dreams@¡‚±‚»–²‚ðŽn‚ß‚é‚ñ‚¾‚Á‚Ä

You have the power to believe@ŒN‚É‚ÍM‚¶‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é
Take a look inside your heart@’T‚·‚ñ‚¾@S‚Ì‚à‚Á‚Ɖœ’ê‚ð
A road is waiting for you@‚«‚Á‚Æ“¹‚ªŠJ‚¯‚Ä‚¢‚­‚©‚ç

The truth is written in the stars@¯‹ó‚ðŒ©ã‚°‚Ä‚²‚ç‚ñ
No matter who you are@ŒN‚ª‚Ç‚ñ‚Èl‚Å‚à
You feel the force of love@ˆ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é‚©‚ç

Like a wind blowing high above the clouds@‰_‚æ‚肸‚Á‚Æ‚‚­‚ð@‚«”²‚¯‚é•—‚̂悤‚É
You were moving fast but couldn't touch the ground@‘f°‚炵‚¢ƒXƒs[ƒh‚Ål¶‚Í„‚é@‚Å‚à’n‚É‘«‚͂‚©‚È‚­‚Ä

Think of the days when you were just a child@Žv‚¢‚ð’y‚¹‚é‚Ì‚Í@—c‚«“úX
You felt a joy so tenderly@‚©‚‚Ă̊ì‚Ñ‚ª—D‚µ‚­ˆì‚ê‚Ä

And if you stop to listen to what you feel inside@•à‚Ý‚ðŽ~‚ß‚Ä@S‚̺‚ÉŽ¨‚ðŒX‚¯‚ê‚Î
You can be everything you wanted to be@‚Ȃ肽‚¢‚à‚Ì‚É‚Í@‰½‚É‚¾‚Á‚Ä‚È‚ê‚é

14/11/07 15:43:17.94 jssTA6xs

You have the power to achieve@ŒN‚ɂͬ‚µ‹‚°‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é‚ñ‚¾
If you reach inside your heart@S‚̉œ’ê‚ÉG‚ꂳ‚¦‚·‚ê‚Î
Your wish is waiting for you@‚Ç‚ñ‚È–]‚Ý‚àŠ‚¤‚ñ‚¾‚æ

The truth is written in the stars@¯‹ó‚ðŒ©ã‚°‚Ä‚²‚ç‚ñ
No matter where you are@ŒN‚ª‚Ç‚±‚É‚¢‚½‚Á‚Ä
You feel the force of love@ˆ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é‚©‚ç

All the pain and tears and broken dreams@’É‚Ý‚Æ—Ü‚Æ”s‚ꂽ–²‚ª
Flowing like a river@ì‚̂悤‚É—¬‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é
It's never easy to see@š–Ú‚ð”w‚¯‚½‚­‚Ȃ錻ŽÀiŽ¸”s‚𒼎‹‚·‚é‚Ì‚ÍAŒˆ‚µ‚ÄŠÈ’P‚È‚±‚Æ‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢j

Trust what you feel and just keep your spirit free@Ž©•ª‚ðM‚¶‚ÄA‚½‚¾°‚ð‰ð‚«•ú‚Ă΂¢‚¢
You can be all the things you wanted to be@ŒN‚ª–]‚ß‚Î@‰½‚É‚¾‚Á‚Ä‚È‚ê‚é‚æ
In your dreams@–²Œ©‚½‚à‚̂ɂ͉½‚É‚Å‚à

You have the power to believe@ŒN‚É‚ÍM‚¶‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é‚ñ‚¾
Make a promise in your heart@S‚Ɍł­¾‚¦‚Î
Your future's waiting for you@Šm‚©‚È–¢—ˆ‚ªŒN‚ð‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é

A secret in the sky above@‚»‚ê‚Í‹ó‚‚­‘õ‚³‚ꂽ”é–§
Like a shooting star@—¬‚ê¯‚ðŒ©‚Â‚¯‚Ä‚²‚ç‚ñ
You feel the force of love@‚«‚Á‚ƈ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é‚Í‚¸‚³

It's written in the stars.. @¯‹ó‚ðŒ©ã‚°‚Äcc


14/11/07 17:15:55.73 3wbHaeES
‚à‚µ‹å“Ç“_‚̂‚¯•û‚Å–À‚¤‚Ȃ炱‚¤‚µ‚悤I‚»‚±‚ðŒû‚ÅŒ¾‚Á‚Ä‚Ý‚éB‚»‚±‚ź‚ð‚Æ‚ß‚½‚È‚ç‚»‚±‚ð‚µ‚é‚µ‚·‚éB‚Å‚«‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚©H‚»‚¤‚¢‚¤l‚Í‚ ‚Ìl‚̘b‚µ•û‚Å‚·B‚‚܂肠‚Ìl‚̂悤‚Ɉꌾ‚²‚Ƃɺ‚ð‚Æ‚ß‚Ü‚·B

349:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/07 17:18:26.83 h278ktZ8

14/11/07 19:01:47.19 jssTA6xs
>>349‚³‚ñ‚Ì‚²Žw“E‚à‚ ‚èAæ’öŒ©’¼‚µ‚½‚Æ‚±‚ëAŽ©•ª‚Å‚àƒ|ƒGƒ~ƒB‰ß‚¬‚ÄŒë–ó‚©‚Ç‚¤‚©‚àˆÓ–¡•s–¾‚Å‚µ‚½‚Ì‚ÅA’¼–ó‚É‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½B
Œë–ó‚âˆÓ–¡‚ÌŽæ‚èˆá‚¦‚È‚Ç‚ ‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½‚炲Žw“E‚­‚¾‚³‚¢Bš‚Í“Á‚ÉŽ©M‚Ì‚È‚¢‰ÓŠ‚Å‚·B‘‚¦‚Ü‚µ‚½B

All alone, somewhere far away from home
In a lonely place where no one knows your name
Lost inside a corner of your mind@S‚Ì‹÷‚Å–À‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é
Looking for a place to hide and none to find@’N‚É‚àŒ©‚‚©‚ç‚È‚¢‰B‚êꊂð’T‚µ‚È‚ª‚ç

Back in the days when you were just a child@—c‚«‚Ì“úX‚ð‰ñ‘z‚·‚é
The sunrays danced eternally@—zŒõ‚ª‚¢‚‚܂łà—x‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚½

And when you least expect it, you hear a voice inside@‚»‚µ‚Ä‚Ó‚Æ‚µ‚½uŠÔ@“à‚Ȃ麂𕷂­
Telling you to begin the life of your dreams@–²‚ÉŒü‚©‚Á‚Ä•à‚Ý‚¾‚»‚¤‚ÆAŒê‚è‚©‚¯‚Ä‚­‚麂ð

You have the power to believe@ŒN‚É‚ÍM‚¶‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é
Take a look inside your heart@S‚̉œ’ê‚ðŒ©‚Ä
A road is waiting for you@‚«‚Á‚Æ“¹‚ªŠJ‚¯‚Ä‚¢‚­i“¹‚ªŒN‚ð‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éj

The truth is written in the stars@š^ŽÀ‚ͯX‚É‘‚«˜A‚Ë‚Ä‚ ‚éi^ŽÀ‚ͯX‚Å‘‚©‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éHj
No matter who you are@ŒN‚ª‚Ç‚ñ‚Èl‚Å‚à
You feel the force of love@‚»‚±‚Ɉ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é

Like a wind blowing high above the clouds@‰_‚Ì‚¸‚Á‚Æ‚‚­‚ð‚­•—‚̂悤‚É
You were moving fast but couldn't touch the ground@š‘f‘‚­ŽžŠÔ‚͉߂¬‹Ž‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚­‚ªA’n‚É‘«‚ª‚‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢

Think of the days when you were just a child@—c‚«“úX‚ÌŽv‚¢o‚É‚Ó‚¯‚é
You felt a joy so tenderly@‚»‚Á‚ÆŠ´‚¶‚éŠì‚Ñ

And if you stop to listen to what you feel inside@‚»‚µ‚ÄA“à‚Ȃ麂Ɏ¨‚ðŒX‚¯‚邽‚ß‚É—§‚¿Ž~‚ê‚Î
You can be everything you wanted to be@ŒN‚͂Ȃ肽‚¢‚à‚Ì‘S‚ĂɂȂ邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚é

14/11/07 19:03:23.56 jssTA6xs

You have the power to achieve@ŒN‚ɂͬ‚µ‹‚°‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é
If you reach inside your heart@S‚̉œ’ê‚ÉG‚ꂳ‚¦‚·‚ê‚Î
Your wish is waiting for you@‚Ç‚ñ‚È–]‚Ý‚àŠ‚¤‚¾‚낤iŒN‚ÌŠó–]‚ª‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éj

The truth is written in the stars@^ŽÀ‚ͯX‚É‘‚«˜A‚Ë‚Ä‚ ‚é
No matter where you are@ŒN‚ª‚Ç‚±‚É‚¢‚½‚Á‚Ä
You feel the force of love@‚»‚±‚Ɉ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é

All the pain and tears and broken dreams@
Flowing like a river@ì‚̂悤‚É—¬‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éA’É‚Ý‚Æ—Ü‚Æ”s‚ꂽ–²
It's never easy to see@šiŽ¸”s‚ðjŒ©‚‚߂é‚Ì‚ÍAŒˆ‚µ‚ÄŠÈ’P‚È‚±‚Æ‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢

Trust what you feel and just keep your spirit free@Ž©•ª‚ðM‚¶‚ÄA‚½‚¾°‚ð‰ð‚«•ú‚Ă΂¢‚¢
You can be all the things you wanted to be In your dreams@šŒN‚ÍAŽ©•ª‚Ì–²‚Å–]‚ñ‚¾‘S‚Ä‚Ì‚à‚̂ɂȂ邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚é

You have the power to believe@ŒN‚É‚ÍM‚¶‚é—Í‚ª‚ ‚é
Make a promise in your heart@S‚Ɍł­¾‚¢‚È‚³‚¢
Your future's waiting for you@–¢—ˆ‚ªŒN‚ð‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é

A secret in the sky above Like a shooting star@—¬‚ꯂ̂悤‚ÈA“V‚‚­‚É‚ ‚é”é–§
You feel the force of love@ŒN‚Í‚»‚±‚Ɉ¤‚Ì—Í‚ðŠ´‚¶‚é

It's written in the stars.. @‚»‚ê‚ͯX‚É‘‚«˜A‚Ë‚Ä‚ ‚écc


352:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/07 19:44:04.61 h278ktZ8
ƒ{ƒuEƒfƒBƒ‰ƒ“‚Ì The answer is blowin' in the windô‚Æ“¯‚¶
‚Q‚–ڂ̚AŽåŒê‚Í you ‚ÅA“®ŽŒ‚͉ߋŽŒ`‚â‚ÅB

Think of the days when you were just a child

It's never easy to see (all the pain and tears and broken dreams)

14/11/07 19:54:33.95 RAz4JCpF
ð“úAˆêð“ú‚Æ–|–󂵂Ă­‚¾‚³‚Á‚½•û‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚³‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½I

Hi ~~~~~,

We hereby confirm that we have received copies of the following:

* Photo ID

Your account has been updated and your withdrawal has been released.

Your cooperation has been greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Risk Management
William Hill Online

354:ŽO”N‰p‘¾˜Y Ÿ3CZBjOt3.Y
14/11/07 20:02:46.26 h278ktZ8
‚»‚ê‚®‚ç‚¢‚È‚ç google translate ‚Å‚àãY—í‚É–|–ó‚Å‚«‚é‚Á‚µ‚åB

14/11/07 20:05:14.26 jssTA6xs
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·A‚Æ‚Ä‚à•×‹­‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·
‚²Žw“E‚Ì’†‚ÅA2‚ÂŽ¿–₵‚½‚¢“_‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½‚Ì‚ÅA‚à‚µ‚¨ŽèŒ„‚Å‚µ‚½‚炲‹³Ž¦‰º‚³‚¢B

> ‚Q‚–ڂ̚AŽåŒê‚Í you ‚ÅA“®ŽŒ‚͉ߋŽŒ`‚â‚ÅB
You were moving fast but couldn't touch the ground

> Think of the days when you were just a child
> –½—ߌ`B‚¿‚Á‚¿‚á‚ÈŽq‹Ÿ‚¾‚Á‚½“úX‚ðŽv‚¢•‚‚©‚ׂĂ²——A“I‚ÈB
‚»‚ê‚ɑΉž‚·‚éƒtƒŒ[ƒY‚ª>>350‚Ì10s–Ú‚É‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·‚ªA‚±‚ÌBack‚àŽ©“®ŽŒ‚Ì–½—ߌ`‚Æ‚¢‚¤”FŽ¯‚Å‚ ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©
yBackz in the days when you were just a child@—c‚«‚Ì“úX‚ð‰ñ‘z‚µ‚Äy‚²——‚È‚³‚¢z

14/11/07 22:27:25.54 3wbHaeES

14/11/08 17:34:04.22 0KiWUM25


14/11/08 17:45:25.86 0KiWUM25
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½

14/11/09 18:11:26.31 FMRNV1ai
Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence.

14/11/10 12:33:32.87 Nc6WIZBd

14/11/10 13:22:22.60 wip95jUO
>>360 ‚̓lƒ^‚Å‚µ‚åB


14/11/12 21:07:34.51 8HbU4c4V
It is not only that Tesco and Morrisons, in particular,
have rested too long on their laurels. Exacerbating their woes
has been an accelerating change in the food shopping landscape,
which Britain was slower to grasp than much of continental Europe.
In recent months, the gradicallyh changed retail environment has been a recurrent theme of company executives
and market analysts alike. Against a background of half a yearfs falling sales, the new chief executive of Sainsburyfs,
Mike Coupe, told shareholders that customersf
habits would change faster than ever before. Dalton Philips,
head of Morrisons, said the discounters were ghaving the most profound effect on food shopping since the 1950sh.
A situation where all the gbig fourh were losing market share simultaneously had, said one analyst, placed the sector
gin totally and utterly uncharted territoryh.
In theory, recent changes at the top – including the departure of
two of the gbig beastsh, Terry Leahy after 14 years at
Tesco and Justin King after a decade at Sainsburyfs, offer UK chains the chance to take a new look.
But they will be constrained by the slow growth of the sector as a whole
– at just 1.9% in the first quarter of this year, the lowest for 11 years –
and the expansion plans of the German newcomers.   
They may also have to recognise that at least some of
the changes in their market may be permanent.
With more people living alone and more pensioner households,
the big weekly or monthly shop may be on the wane.

14/11/12 21:10:58.03 8HbU4c4V
The ­proliferation of smaller stores in urban locations
– a development designed in part to address this demand and in part to offset falling sales at out-of-town hypermarkets –
may not have the desired effect of improving companiesf
bottom line, as shoppers use the local choice to spread their
loyalties more widely.  
So what are the UKfs home-grown supermarkets doing about the changing market conditions and the German challenge? Price-cutting, in different forms, has been the favoured response at all the gbig fourh. But a focus on price to the exclusion
of all else may misread the discountersf appeal and may not be all that is required,
and other solutions are being tried.
The UK has Europefs most advanced online grocery sector
– which may be one reason for the decline in sales at
big out-of-town establishments. Then again it might reflect customer dissatisfaction with the shopping experience. The one could feed on the other.

14/11/12 21:15:02.03 8HbU4c4V
Online has suffered far less during the economic downturn
than store sales, and companies are now trying to capitalise
on this by offering more convenience, such as collection not
just at the stores themselves, but at underground stations
and other points that full-time workers may find more convenient
than home delivery.
There are also efforts to make the out-of-town stores
more attractive ­destinations in their own right, with the addition of eateries and recreational facilities,
such as gyms and cinemas.
Where the big stores still turn out to be too big,
sections are being hived off to service online sales
or administration.
Sainsburyfs link-up with Denmarkfs Netto is designed to create
a subdivision of Aldi-like stores, gwith a Scandinavian twisth,
without damaging the Sainsburyfs brand by taking it downmarket.
Tesco is reported to have toyed with a similar idea, but rejected it, preferring to branch out into services, such as banking, video and mobile phones.
The most conspicuous recent development is the move into smaller
stores. All the gbig fourh, plus Waitrose and the Co-op
(with around 5% of the UK market apiece) have been transferring their focus from hypermarkets to gmini-­marketsh located closer to where people live. Membership
of the group allows them to undercut traditional gcorner shopsh on price and outdo them on ­quality.
While these mini Tescos and Sainsburys may eventually
cause the demise of this familiar feature of the British streetscape, however, they are nowhere near seeing off the challenge from the Germans. Branches of Aldi
and Lidl seem just the right size, with the right balance of choice
and availability. Their British counterparts, in contrast, are often smaller, more congested, more capriciously stocked – and overall quite a lot more expensive.

14/11/12 21:16:24.11 8HbU4c4V
True, a question hangs over the German model.
If Lidl and Aldi do open stores in more upmarket areas,
will they be able to maintain their price advantage?
The class divide in British food shopping may be blurring,
but there will always be a premium to be paid for moving
to the right side of the tracks.
If it is not all about price, however,
the home-grown chains will have their work cut out.
Todayfs supermarkets have come a long way from the
stores John Sainsbury and Jack Cohen founded. If they want to halt,
even slow the advance of the German discounters, then the first step has to be an admission that, while price counts for much, it is on convenience, range and service – areas where they once reigned supreme –
that they have lessons to re-learn.

14/11/12 21:18:41.81 8HbU4c4V

14/11/14 08:09:24.47 7KOwg83T
I've been doing some thinking and I am toying with the idea of switching my Masters degree from education to linguistics. I love languages and learning everything about them.
But I'm not sure yet if there is a demand for their skills.
Hmmm... lots of research ahead.

14/11/15 13:45:03.08 jRbvgKtS
‚Ü‚¸A‚ ‚Ì“X‚Æ‚ ‚Ì“X‚ª‚Í‚Á‚«‚è‘Ó‚¯‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂è“X‚Ì–¼‚É‚ ‚®‚ç‚ð‚©‚«‚·‚¬‚Ü‚µ‚½B
‚‚¬‚ÉA‚»‚ê‚ç‚Ì“X‚Í‚ ‚邱‚Æ‚ð‹°‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚µ‚ÄV‚µ‚¢‹°‚ꂪ‚»‚ê‚ɉÁ‚í‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂èH‚ו¨‚ÌV‚µ‚¢”ƒ‚¢•û‚ª‚Ç‚ñ‚Ç‚ñL‚Ü‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚Ì“‡‘‚ÍŒã‚Å‚»‚ê‚É‹C‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂è‹ß‚­‚Ì‘X‚Ì‘½‚­‚ªæ‚É‹C‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½B

14/11/15 15:21:21.09 Kb0oKmgN
‚Å‚à‚»‚¤‚¢‚¤”\—͂ɑ΂·‚éŽù—v‚Á‚Ä‚ ‚é‚Ì‚©‚ÈB

14/11/16 10:35:47.91 3j5wXEcH
The result is that you yourself decide how to spend time in your life.

14/11/16 11:19:19.93 F2RiyHF4
l¶‚Å‚ÌŽžŠÔ‚ÌŽg‚¢•û‚ÍŽ©•ªŽ©g‚ÅŒˆ‚ß‚é‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚±‚Æ‚ª‚»‚ÌŒ‹‰Ê‚Å‚ ‚éB

14/11/16 11:50:56.68 3j5wXEcH
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·I

373:777 ŸTFWBMdHdF7zL
14/11/16 12:33:42.17 Fmpb9dw0

I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.

14/11/16 21:50:53.74 ip6YGjAp
‚±‚̉½ƒ–ŒŽ‚ÌŠÔA¬”„‚è‚Ì‚·‚²‚¢“h‚è•Ï‚í‚肪ŒJ‚è•Ô‚µŒê‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂è“X‚Ìã‚ÌŽÒ‚ç‚Ü‚½‚Í“X‚ÌŠO‚Ì“ª‚¾‚¯‚ÌŽÒ‚ç‚É‚æ‚Á‚Ä‚æ‚­Œê‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚Ì“X‚Ì”„ã‚°‚ª‚Uƒ–ŒŽ‚ÌŠÔ‰º‚ª‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚Ì“X‚ÌV‚µ‚¢ã‚ÌŽÒi‚ ‚Ìlj‚ª‚»‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚©‚犔Žå‚½‚¿‚É‚±‚¤Œ¾‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B
u‚¨‹q‚ÌD‚Ý‚ª¡‚Ü‚Å‚æ‚葬‚­•Ï‚í‚è‚Ü‚·Bv‚ ‚Ìli‚ ‚Ì“X‚ÌÅ‚àã‚ÌŽÒj‚ª‚±‚¤Œ¾‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½BˆÀ”„‚è‚ÌŽÒ‚½‚¿‚ªuH‚ו¨‚̬”„‚è‚ð“h‚è•Ï‚¦‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂肱‚Ì‚U‚O”N‚Å‚»‚ê‚ð‚à‚Á‚Æ‚à‘å‚«‚­“h‚è•Ï‚¦‚Ü‚µ‚½Bv
Ž–‚Í‚±‚¤•Ï‚í‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚Ì‘å‚«‚¢‚S‚‚̓X‚·‚ׂĂª“¯‚¶ ‚É‹q‚ð‚Ù‚©‚Ì“X‚ÉŽ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚©‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚µ‚Äi‚ ‚铪‚¾‚¯‚ÌŽÒ‚ªŒ¾‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½j¬”„‚è‚Ìs‚­æ‚ª‚Ü‚Á‚½‚­•ª‚©‚ç‚È‚­‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B

14/11/16 22:10:41.51 ip6YGjAp


14/11/17 01:22:12.49 iUiF6OuK
sometimes having them kill peers for being affiliated with a different
armed group

14/11/17 01:41:00.14 i0Vcv0W5


14/11/17 06:05:08.30 /TkIpWRN
Ž•‰ÈŠÖ˜A‚̘_•¶‚ÉŒfÚ‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚½•\‚̉º‚É‚ ‚Á‚½

⚫And/or soft teeth,teeth pulled,or teeth pulling out.

14/11/17 06:07:38.04 /TkIpWRN

And/or soft teeth,teeth pulled,or teeth pulling out. 

14/11/17 19:59:24.94 YSndjK5N
It is not only that Tesco and Morrisons, in particular,
have rested too long on their laurels. Exacerbating their woes has been an accelerating change in the food shopping landscape, which Britain was slower to grasp than much of continental Europe.
In recent months, the gradicallyh changed retail environment has been a recurrent theme of company executives and market analysts alike. Against a background of half a yearfs falling sales, the new chief executive of Sainsburyfs,
Mike Coupe, told shareholders that customersf habits would change faster than ever before. Dalton Philips,
head of Morrisons, said the discounters were ghaving the most profound effect on food shopping since the 1950sh.
A situation where all the gbig fourh were losing market share simultaneously had, said one analyst, placed the sector
gin totally and utterly uncharted territoryh.


14/11/17 20:04:21.40 Actvep3j

14/11/17 20:26:49.57 i/m+xDSx


14/11/17 21:50:15.55 7SJdTNPZ
‚±‚ñ‚Èl‚¦‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B‚±‚Ì ã‚ÌŽÒ‚½‚¿‚ª“ü‚ê‘Ö‚í‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B—Ⴆ‚΂ ‚̑啨“ñl‚ª“X‚ð‹Ž‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚‚܂肠‚Ìl‚ª‚ ‚Ì“X‚ð‚P‚S”N–Ú‚Å‹Ž‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚Ìl‚ª‚ ‚Ì“X‚ð‚P‚Q”N–Ú‚Å‹Ž‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚¾‚©‚ç‚»‚Ì“‡‘‚Ì‚»‚ê‚ç‚Ì“X‚ªV‚µ‚¢‘•‚¢‚Åo’¼‚¹‚éB
‚Å‚à‚»‚ê‚ç‚Ì“X‚Í‚Q‚‚̂±‚Æ‚É”›‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚·B‚Ü‚¸¬”„‚è‚Ì”„ã‚°‚ª‚±‚Ì ‚ ‚Ü‚è—Ç‚­L‚Ñ‚Ü‚¹‚ñBi¡”N‚ÌŽn‚ß‚Ì‚Rƒ–ŒŽ‚ɂ킸‚©‚ÉL‚Ñ‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚»‚µ‚Ä‚»‚Ì‚Rƒ–ŒŽ‚É‚±‚Ì‚P‚P”N‚ÅÅ‚àL‚Ñ‚Ü‚¹‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚½Bj
‚»‚µ‚Ä‚ ‚é“X‚ª“X‚ð‘‚₵‚Ü‚·B‚‚܂肻‚¤Œv‚è‚Ü‚·B‚‚܂肢‚­‚‚©‚ÌV‚µ‚¢“X‚ª‚ ‚Ì‘‚©‚ç—ˆ‚Ü‚·B

14/11/17 22:14:38.14 YSndjK5N

14/11/17 22:21:28.10 i0Vcv0W5
“Á‚ÉTesco‚âMorrisons‚ªA‰hŒõ‚É‚ ‚Ü‚è‚É’·‚­–ž‘«‚µ‚·‚¬‚Ä‚¢‚½‚¾‚¯‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢B”Þ‚ç‚Ì”Y‚Ý‚ÌŽí‚ðˆ«‰»‚³‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Ì‚ÍA
H•iƒVƒ‡ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚Ì•—Œi‚Ì‹}‘¬‚ȕω»‚Å‚ ‚Á‚½B‚»‚Ì‚±‚Ƃɉp‘‚ÍA‘¼‚̉¢B‘å—¤‚æ‚è‚à”cˆ¬‚·‚é‚Ì‚ª’x‚©‚Á‚½B
‚±‚±”ƒ–ŒŽAu‹}Œƒ‚Év•Ï‰»‚µ‚½¬”„‹ÆŠÂ‹«‚ÍA‰ïŽÐ–ðˆõ‚âŽsêƒAƒiƒŠƒXƒg—¼•û‚É‚Æ‚Á‚ÄA‰½“x‚àŽ‚¿ã‚ª‚éƒe[ƒ}‚Å‚ ‚Á‚½B
”¼”NŠÔ‚Ì—Ž‚¿‘±‚¯‚锄ã‚ð”wŒi‚É‚µ‚ÄASainsbury's‚ÌVÅ‚Ó”CŽÒ‚Å‚ ‚éMike Coupe‚ÍAŒÚ‹q‚Ìw”ƒKŠµ‚Í‚±‚ê‚Ü‚Å‚É‚È‚¢‚قǂ̃Xƒs[ƒh‚ŕω»‚·‚邾‚낤‚ÆŠ”Žå‚Éq‚ׂ½B
Morrisons‚ÌCEO‚Å‚ ‚éDalton Phillips‚ÍAƒfƒBƒXƒJƒEƒ“ƒg“X‚ªu1950”N‘ãˆÈ—ˆAH•iƒVƒ‡ƒbƒsƒ“ƒO‚ÉÅ‚à[‚­‰e‹¿‚ð—^‚¦‚Ä‚¢‚év
‚Æq‚ׂ½BuƒrƒbƒO4v‘S‚Ä‚ªŽsêƒVƒFƒA‚𓯎ž‚É—Ž‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é󋵂ÍA‚ ‚éƒAƒiƒŠƒXƒg‚ªŒ¾‚¤‚É‚ÍA

14/11/18 19:50:34.24 c4oFZsKF
That owner of the store is an idiot! He wont' take them off the shelf unless a customer complains directly?
Well this seems like a direct complaint to me. No reason for this kind of shit at all. Disgusting.

14/11/18 22:21:09.72 O46T5bnP
There is my class but
we all live kind of fat and a lot of them are shy to use Japanese.

14/11/19 00:33:59.16 8j05Gas8
‚ ‚Ì“X‚̃I[ƒi[‚̓Nƒ\‚¾‚ÈI‹q‚ª’¼Ú•¶‹å‚ðŒ¾‚í‚È‚¢ŒÀ‚è’I‚©‚ç~‚낳‚È‚¢‚¾‚Á‚ÄH
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14/11/19 00:36:56.57 8j05Gas8

Ž„‚̃Nƒ‰ƒX‚Í‚ ‚邯‚ÇA‚Ý‚ñ‚È‚ ‚éˆÓ–¡ƒfƒu‚ÅA‚»‚Ì‘½‚­‚ª“ú–{Œê‚ðŽg‚¤‚Ì‚ª’p‚¸‚©‚µ‚¢B


14/11/19 02:05:37.68 ZlfyqGyq
No way! It's hard to make friends here. But it does depend on where in America you live. In Kentucky, people are kinda stand off like.
I grew up in Florida and people are sociable.
There's a wide variety.

14/11/19 02:18:20.68 WUhmQI/t
>>390 Š¨•Ù‚µ‚ÄB‚±‚±‚¶‚á—F’B‚È‚ñ‚©‚Å‚«‚Á‚±‚È‚¢‚æB
‚Ü‚ŸFX’nˆæ«‚ª‚ ‚é‚æ‚ÈB

14/11/19 02:33:31.62 ZlfyqGyq
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B

14/11/19 22:59:05.81 ufz95hB6

Ž–‚Í‚±‚¤i‚Ý‚Ü‚·B‚Ç‚ñ‚Ç‚ñ‘½‚­‚ÌlX‚ªˆêl‚Å•é‚炵‚Ü‚·B‚Ç‚ñ‚Ç‚ñ‘½‚­‚ÌlX‚ª‚ ‚Ì‹à‚Å•é‚炵‚Ü‚·B

14/11/19 23:53:45.28 3x0PG6xz

14/11/20 22:12:58.91 bQ3jNNwO
Western New York is set to get another three feet of snow as region
digs out of storm that dumped sex feet


14/11/20 22:48:48.21 TTzbJUfh
¼ƒjƒ…[ƒˆ[ƒN‚ÍA‚³‚ç‚É3ƒtƒB[ƒg‚ÌႪςà‚è‚»‚¤‚Å‚ ‚éB6(sex?)ƒtƒB[ƒg‚Ì

sex feet‚Á‚Ä‚È‚É

14/11/20 22:53:42.86 bQ3jNNwO
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·

14/11/21 20:33:40.28 T/5d+dJ0
‚Å‚à‚»‚ê‚Í‚ ‚Ü‚è–ð‚É—§‚¿‚Ü‚¹‚ñB‚»‚ê‚ç‚Ì“X‚Ì”„ã‚°‚Ì’ê‚ðã‚°‚Ü‚¹‚ñB

14/11/22 10:32:27.64 CxxtEXBE
—F’B‚ª­‚µƒgƒ‰ƒuƒ‹H‚É‚ ‚Á‚Ä‚é‚Ý‚½‚¢‚Å‚·‚ª
Looking for a place to move.
I cannot wait to get away from people like YOU.
I let you in as a gesture of love because you're family, and gave your daughter a chance.
But even after she stole from you, you look through rose coloured glasses and wouldn't give a fuck if she committed murder.
She fucking stole from me and you claim I'm lying!
That money was going towards moving.
If I was lying I would say she stole more than$60+.
I wouldn't be so pissed off. And because I'm a step daughter to your brother, he shouldn't believe me because I'm not blood! Don't ever ask for help or think of me as family again.
My dad even got a damn loan to help her and she blew him off as well.
We pay the fucking bills around here. Enough said.
Extremely disappointed in you.
Thanks for showing me what family actually is.
I even fought with my man because of defending your daughter.
I want my money back.

14/11/22 11:03:26.14 Tm6ZSUmI
‚ ‚È‚½‚̂悤‚Èl‚©‚ç—£‚ê‚ç‚ê‚é‚Ì‚ª‘Ò‚¿‰“‚µ‚¢B
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14/11/22 11:07:32.95 CxxtEXBE
‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·B

14/11/22 11:19:36.47 HllgUqPt
–|–ó‚·‚°[ŒhŒê‚Å_‚ç‚©‚­‚È‚Á‚Ă邯‚ÇA‚ß‚Á‚¿‚ápissed off‚Ńtƒ@ƒbƒLƒ“ƒtƒ@ƒbƒLƒ“Œ¾‚¤‚Ä‚é‚â‚ñB

14/11/22 13:32:49.78 9GXPN2ty
If I was lying I would say she stole more than$60+.

I'm a step daughter to your brother,
Ž„‚Í‚ ‚È‚½‚ÌŒZi’íj‚Ì‹`—‚Ì–º

14/11/22 14:32:14.02 Tm6ZSUmI

’ù³‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤

14/11/22 15:16:20.48 CxxtEXBE
‚Ý‚È‚³‚ñ‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ë‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚·B

14/11/22 15:17:52.53 DCogETAO
‚ ‚éƒCƒMƒŠƒX‚̒ʔ̃TƒCƒg‚̃JƒXƒ^ƒ}[‚©‚ç—ˆ‚½ƒ[ƒ‹‚̈ꕶ‚Å‚·B

(Apologies for the delay. Our Dispatch Team is still experiencing delays due to unforeseen circumstances.)
They have informed us tracking information will be provided tomorrow.

Š®—¹Œ`‚Ì‚ ‚Æ‚Éwill‚ª‚ ‚é‚Æ‚Ç‚¤‰ðŽß‚·‚ê‚΂¢‚¢‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©B

14/11/22 15:29:31.26 CZWrcHVm
They have informed us (that) tracking information will be provided tomorrow.


14/11/22 15:31:25.24 +nKVWh+l
(‘Ήž‚Ì’x‰„‚ð ŽÓß‚¢‚½‚µ‚Ü‚·B‘z’èŠO‚Ì󋵂̂½‚ßA”­‘—•”–å‚̑Ήž‚É ’x‚ꂪo‚Ä‚¨‚è‚Ü‚·B)
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> Š®—¹Œ`‚Ì‚ ‚Æ‚Éwill‚ª‚ ‚é‚Æ‚Ç‚¤‰ðŽß‚·‚ê‚΂¢‚¢‚Ì‚Å‚µ‚傤‚©B
thatß‚ÅAinform‚µ‚½“à—e ‚Å‚ÍHF

They have informed us (THAT) [tracking information will be provided tomorrow].
”Þ‚ç (=”­‘—•”–å) ‚ª ‰äX(=ƒTƒ|[ƒg•”–å) ‚É’m‚点‚½‚±‚Æ‚É‚æ‚é‚ÆA
[(‰×•¨‚Ì) ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒLƒ“ƒOî•ñ‚ÍA–¾“ú (‚É‚Í) ’ñ‹Ÿ‚³‚ê‚邾‚낤] ‚Æ‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚Å‚·B

14/11/22 15:35:35.28 +nKVWh+l

14/11/22 16:55:38.26 DCogETAO
‚«‚Á‚¿‚è—‰ð‚Å‚«‚Ü‚µ‚½B‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚²‚´‚¢‚Ü‚µ‚½B

14/11/22 19:55:29.44 FjJ3DZ6L
U.S. stock pared early losses, but `


pare loss‚̖󂪒²‚ׂĂàl‚¦‚Ä‚à‚í‚©‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñ



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