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19/05/23 02:24:58.06 .net
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From: PCI-SIG Administration <>
To: <>
Subject: [PCI-SIG] Notice to Members | Huawei Involvement in PCI-SIG
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 12:09:32 -0700
Message-ID: <000601d51008$b94d6ea0$2be84be0$>
In consultation with the Board of Directors of the SIG, we have placed Huawei's
membership into suspension until this matter is resolved.
As such, Huawei and its employees and affiliates will not have access to the PCI-SIG members
only area, specifications and documents, works in progress, or any other
material either confidentially held by the SIG or fulfilled from the PCI-SIG website.
Further, Huawei's employees will not be allowed to participate at PCI-SIG events or within the PCI-SIG Workgroups.
We have communicated this to Huawei, and begun extricating them from the members only area of the website.


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