yPCzWarframe Ž¿–⃠..
17/10/22 04:53:29.34 d3/grpTu0.net
84UnnamedPlayer (ܯÁ®² 7f4b-BSx0 [])2017/10/17(‰Î) 23:36:11.33ID:X7lUUYqu0
The large lake in front of Cetus:
Mawfish (common at day)
Charc Eel (common at night and day)
Norg (rare at night and day, special bait)
Landlocked bodies of water scattered around the plains:
Yogwun (common at day)
Khut-Khut (common at day)
Mortus Lungfish (rare at day, common at night)
Cuthol (rare at night, special bait)
Coast lines of the ocean (far left and right to Cetus gate):
Goopolla (common at night and day)
Tralok (common at day)
Sharrac (rare at night and day, general bait)
Karkina (rare at night and day, general bait)
Murkray (rare at night and day, special bait)
Glappid (rare at night, special bait)
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