トランプ「オバマはエボラの責任(2人死亡)とって辞めろ!」→トランプ「いや俺はよくやってるから(16万人死亡)」 [412864614] at POVERTY
20/08/12 11:39:29.77 dRY9USEf0.net BE:412864614-2BP(1000)
Trump, who told Obama to resign after one Ebola death, calls 160,000 COVID-19 deaths "fantastic job"
President Donald Trump on Monday claimed that he would not have called on former President Barack Obama to resign over the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 160,000 people in the U.S. so far. But Trump previously demanded his predecessor's resignation for far less.
Trump insisted that he would not have called on Obama to step down when a reporter questioned what his response would have been if "160,000 people had died on President Obama's watch."

Given that Trump repeatedly harangued Obama over his Ebola response, the remark drew skepticism. Trump demanded that Obama "apologize to the American people & resign" in the fall of 2014 for allowing an individual who tested positive for Ebola to enter the country.
"If Obama resigns from office NOW, thereby doing a great service to the country-- I will give him free lifetime golf," Trump tweeted weeks later. (Trump falsely claimed that he had golfed less than Obama during his 276th golf course outing as president last month.)
The West Africa Ebola epidemic, which lasted from 2014 to 2016, was the largest outbreak of the virus in history, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only two individuals, who contracted Ebola in Africa, died of the virus in the U.S.


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