18/08/30 14:19:26.19 kSAPj2cB0.net
Starcast for the week beginning August 29th, 2018
Wherever you need the arms of protection or a slice of abundance, Jupiter is standing by. Your ruler Neptune is
still in striking distance of receiving the benefit of Jupiter’s generous hand. This energy will filter in and out of
your life and it tends to be the most apparent for those who give up something, or create some space, to make
room for the prosperity. Uranus and Saturn are also partnering well to help you secure a change that you sorely
need, whether you are leaving the mainstream world and reaching for a more alternative profession or in need of
the courage to have a conversation that you know may very well set you free. This is about releasing any holding
that has simply become too much for you to shoulder alone. Loving Venus and Mercury are also working in tandem
to help you remove a block so your Soul can get back into a better feeling flow.
Take one giant step straight into your fear and the Gods will carry you the rest of the way!


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