18/06/20 22:33:33.62 1OzHxiMF0.net
June 20, 2018
Allow your intuition to be your guide. The Muse wants to speak through you during this period of two to three weeks.
Focus on art, music, dance, and color?whatever gives you pleasure. Take long breaks if possible. Being near the
water will be most soothing, even if it is only the bathtub.
Starcast for the week beginning June 20th, 2018
You may have been feeling as if you were going at life alone; every advancement and break it seems has been a result
of your own efforts. This theme changes this week as your ruler Neptune in your sign is forming a Grand Trine with
Mercury in fellow water sign Cancer and Jupiter in water sign Scorpio. At the very least Pisces, you have a little bit of
luck on your side. Your gifts are getting noticed by some higher ups and they are telling someone who knows someone
who can make a big difference for you. These higher ups could be of a heavenly kind or higher ups that can help get
you seen or in the door. Mars and Venus are opposing one another in the coming days as well but you are determined
to make the right choices for yourself regardless of what they may look like to someone else. At times, the hardest
choices do often end up being the right choices. Mars shifts retrograde for two months in Aquarius on Tuesday, June 26,
in your house of dreams and the ideal. You are in the process of re-branding and fine tuning. Just watch what happens
when the static leaves the airwaves.
It will be your voice they want to hear!


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