【情報倉庫】自慰強要 ..
21/04/28 21:41:37.49 tt5Iw8yK0.net
>[The Asahikawa junior high school girl frozen to death incident ]--summary


>(1) The junior high schoolgirl in question who entered Asahikawa City Hokusei Junior High School in Hokkaido in April 2019, was shortly bullied by Junior high school boys and girls, including the same school girl who are 2 years older than her. The victim met them in a park near the school and became acquainted with them.

>(2) The victim were threatened and scared by a boy from the different school through LINE (SNS app) messages like ''Send me your naked videos.'', ''Your photo is also good'', '' Please, Please'', ''Or I will do it without a condom.” and she was so afraid of the boy, the main assailant that she couldn't help sending obscene images by herself and that was the start of escalating of terrible bullying: Receiving the videos and images, he shared them with friend-LINE-group and they spread her obscene images to other students and furthermore, she was surrounded by them in a park toilet and forced to masturbate and was shot vidios.

>(3) Soon after, on June 22, 2019, the victim girl was surrounded again by nearly 15 bullies and they almost forced her to commit suicide because she said ''If you erase videos, I will die instead.'' and they got her riled up and she jumped into the Uppetsu River, and bullies filmed the incident. it was the first time the police were called into action.
>At this point, bullies falsely told that she had jumped because of child abuse from her mother and she had wanted to die, and the police easily believed their storys, and that's the reason of why the police refused the mother to see her daughter in the hospital.


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