【ひげそり】両刃カミ ..
24:名前なカッター(ノ∀`) (ワッチョイ 6539-7Gsa)
16/05/21 22:52:46.96 i9su1EyZ0.net
Sweet Success! We're shipping!
Posted by SUPPLY Provision Co. (Creator)
Hey backers!
Boy do we have some great news for you today! Just take a look at the picture below:
That's right. We have razors in stock! We filmed a video to give you an up close view, but as always,
here are the high points (They're important! Keep reading!):
1. We begin shipping today! Please make sure your address is up to date in BackerKit.
Some of you have already received email requests to confirm your shipping address.
If not, you will be getting one soon - hang tight! If you're super on top of things, just go ahead and do it now.
2. It's probably going to take a couple weeks (at least!) for us to get these all out the door.
Hang in there - you'll get a tracking notification when we ship, so you can have a good idea of when it shows up.
3. There is ONE small problem with the razors that we want you to know about. It's not a huge deal, but it is important.
Please click the image below to be taken to the video to learn more.
Here's that video link again:
The short story is, when injecting a second blade into the razors, the first blade is not being ejected properly.
However, there are two easy "workarounds" that we detail in the video.
Because the workarounds are simple, safe, and effective, we have decided to begin shipping as is. Are we happy about that? Not exactly.
But we're not so unhappy that we want to delay shipping another few months.
That being said, if you're not happy with the plan, please contact us.
Your satisfaction is our highest concern. We talk about that in the video too. Watch it already!
That's it! As always, thanks for being the most awesomest backers ever. Yes, Most awesomest. Ever.
We're almost there!
Patrick Coddou
Founder, SUPPLY


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