【3冠王者】FC BAYERN ..
20/10/05 13:23:18.22 rK/O0mzN0.net
Honest opinions on Alaba.
He isn't bad, he isn't shit. He was one of the best performers last season for us. The thing is, his performances started to downgrade since August, the contract thing has affected his performances lately and he hasn't been the same since ever. Today, yet again, it was another disastrous performance.
This leaves place for three questions
- What happens if Alaba extends?
If Alaba extends, it's more likely that this will affect Hernandez, who has been performing like a beast lately. Even if Alaba performs bad, or good, Hernandez MAY not start, because, for a weird reason, Alaba seems to be one of Flick's favorite players. And both will have to fight for their position, however, Alaba seems to be more favored by the coach and this would be very worrying for Hernandez. We saw today for example, although Alaba was really bad, Hernandez still got subbed off despite his good performance.
- What happens if Alaba doesn't extend?
If he doesn't extend, he'd have to leave on a free and leave space for Hernandez. But still, the problem relies on Alaba's performances. He has to perform, and even when he doesn't, he seems to be more favored. This still remains to be seen during the course of the season.
- What will be Alaba's and his entourage's choice?
If they can't agree on a contract extension for the rest of months, they will have to explore options which would satisfy their needs. If they, during those months, can't find options, they will have to accept Bayern's demands. Until then, everything remains open.
My point is, Alaba should find a solution for his future because this is affecting his performances. In the meantime, he has to be benched if he can't perform, and this is up to Flick, who, seemingly is biased towards Alaba, if you see his appraising statements about Alaba that he is defensive boss. Süle - Hernandez should be our CB duo


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