【音楽】「ブラック・サバスなしでは"いま"がなかった13のバンド」を英Kerrang!誌が選出 [湛然★] at MNEWSPLUS
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20/06/15 05:32:42 LmVltm2K9.net
13 Bands Who Wouldn’t Be Here Without Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath started this thing we call heavy metal, but some bands are more directly influenced than others
Words: Paul Travers
Posted on June 8th 2020, 2:00pm Kerrang!

Okay, so the shortlist of all the bands who wouldn’t be here without Black Sabbath would simply read, ‘All of them’. At least if you listen to music of the heavy variety. As the band who came up with the blueprint for metal as we know it, Sabbath have an enduring legacy that runs through pretty much every band of the increasingly multifaceted genre ? and many more besides.

Some bands owe them more than most, though. Whether it’s an unmistakeable, riff-driven approach, familiar doom-laden sonics or some other undeniable influence, these are just a few of the bands who definitely wouldn’t be here without Black Sabbath.

13 Bands Who Wouldn’t Be Here Without Black Sabbath

●Ghost URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Melvins URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Saint Vitus URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Candlemass URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Body Count URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Down URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Eyehategod  URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Black Label Society URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Cancer Bats URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Black Flag URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Baroness URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Electric Wizard URLリンク(www.youtube.com)

●Metallica URLリンク(www.youtube.com)



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