yY-DNAzƒnƒvƒƒOƒ‹ ..
350:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/08 08:21:18.66 v+S4bJLSF.net
All Japanese emperors and shoguns and most daimyo shared
the same Y-DNA lineage
The Emperors of Japan belonged to haplogroup D1b1a2 based
on the tests of various descendants. Another presumed descendant
of the imperial family tested at samples of many Japanese genoms
and also belonged to that haplogroup, and more precisely to the
D-Z1504 subclade. Many database claimed that 6 million Japanese men
(10% of the male population of Japan) carry the same Y-DNA lineage
as the Imperial family and that they share a common ancestor
about 1000 years ago.
Many medieval emperors had illegitimate offspring (Emperor Saga
alone fathered 49 children), who were bestowed the surnames
Minamoto (Genji), Taira (Heike) or Tachibana, who in turn became
powerful aristocratic clans of their own. The Minamoto and
Taira became the ancestors of dozens of samurai clans (see below),
while the Tachibana became one of the four most powerful kuge
(court nobility) families in Japan's Nara and early Heian periods.
A few samurai clans descend from Japanese emperors through
imperial princes. This is the case of the Asakura clan.
I have made my own research and found that the Minamoto are
the patrilineal ancestors of daimyo clans such as the Akamatsu,
Akechi, Amago, Ashikaga (Muromachi-era shoguns), Hatakeyama,
Hosokawa, Ikeda, Imagawa, Kitabatake, Kuroda, Matsudaira, Miyoshi,
Mogami, Mori, Nanbu, Nitta, Ogasawara, Ota, Rokkaku, Sakai,
Sasaki, Satake, Satomi, Shiba, Shimazu, Takeda, Toki, Tokugawa
(Edo-era shoguns), and Tsuchiya. A few kuge (court aristocracy)
families also descend from the Minamoto, such as the Koga.
If this is correct, it could mean that all Japanese emperors and
a great number of daimyo (feudal lords) and samurai families
would have belonged to haplogroup D1b1a2, if non-paternity
events did not occur.

351:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/08 08:25:01.75 v+S4bJLSF.net
The Taira clan descends from four 9th-century emperors
(Kanmu, Ninmyo, Montoku and Koko) and were the ancestors
of several daimyo families such as the Ashina, Chiba, Hojo
(Kamakura-era shoguns), Miura, Soma, and Oda (whose most
famous member was Oda Nobunaga, who started the reunification
of Japan during the Sengoku period).
Only a few daimyo clans did not descend from the Y-DNA line
of the Imperial family. Most, however, descend from the Fujiwara family,
who intermarried with the Imperial family almost every generation during
the Heian period(794-1185) and therefore can be considered
the same family (the maternal branch). The Fujiwara clan customarily
served as regents and ministers (sadaijin and udaijin), which allowed
them to dominate Japanese politics throughout the Heian period.
Their descendant remained court nobles until 1945. Only a few notable
samurai families descend from the Fujiwara Y-DNA line.
These include the Adachi, Ashikaga (Fujiwara), Azai, Date, Gamo,
Honda, Ii, Ito, Niwa, Tsugaru, Uesugi and Utsunomiya. Among
them the Date and Uesugi in eastern and northern Honshu distinguished
themselves during the Sengoku period. The HTsugaruonda and
Ii were retainers of the Matsudaira/Tokugawa clan and became
powerful after Tokugawa Ieyasu established the last shogunate.
At least many descendants from the Fujiwara clan tested their Y-DNA
at samples of many Japanese genoms and all belonged to
haplogroup O1b2a1 (formerly known as O2b1a), and more specifically
to O-47Z(aka CTS10674 or CTS11986).
This haplogroup is found in 24% of the Japanese population.
Y-full list a few deeper branches but more research is needed
to determine the deep clade associated specifically with the Fujiwara.

352:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/08 08:28:23.41 v+S4bJLSF.net
I could only find a handful of notable daimyo clans that didn't descend
either from the Imperial lineage or from the Fujiwara lineage.
The most prominent was the Mori clan (not to be confused with
the Mori clan above), who were descended from the Oe,
a court aristocratic lineage from the Heian period related
by marriage to the Imperial family.
Another one was the Abe clan, one of the oldest in Japan,
said to be one of the original clans of the Yamato people.
The Hata clan is equally old and was founded by Chinese immigrants
with the surname Qin (` ; Hata being the Japanese reading
of that Chinese character) during the Kofun period (250-538).
They became the ancestors of a number of samurai clans, such as
the Akizuki, Chosokabe, Kawakatsu and Tamura. Descendant testing
at many database showed that that lineaged belonged to
haplogroup O2a2b1a1 (formerly known as O3a2c1a), the most common
lineage among Han Chinese, and specifically to the O-CTS10738
subclade found in both China and Japan.
During the Sengoku period, there was also the Saito clan (founded
by a merchant who seized power in Mino province and became
Oda Nobunaga's father-in-law) and the Toyotomi clan, founded
by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Oda Nobunaga's general who gradually
rose in power a peasant family. They were recent parvenus whose
lineage didn't last more than a few generations.

353:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/08 08:32:07.07 v+S4bJLSF.net
It all looks like a big family feud between different branches of
the Imperial family vying for supremacy and never leaving any
space for outsiders (except very briefly as with Toyotomi Hideyoshi).
What is amazing is that all the famous samurai in history were members
of the imperial paternal lineage, and that basically the same family
controlled every aspect of society in Japan, from religious (emperor) to
cultural and socio-economic (ministers and court nobles) to military
(daimyo) for over 1000 years, since Japan exists as a unified country.
Many of these aristocratic and samurai families still play an important
role today, as politicians or presidents/chairmans of companies
or organisations. For example, Morihiro Hosokawa, the head of
the Hosokawa clan, served as Prime Minister of Japan in 1993-94.
It's approximately 1000 years, which corresponds to the Heian period,
when emperors were particularly prolific sexually.
The Taira clan dates back to the 9th century. The Minamoto clan started
with Emperor Saga (also in the 9th century) who had 49 children.
18 emperors gave the Minamoto surname to their illegitimate offspring
between the 9th and 17th centuries, but the most successfully lineage
by far was the one descending from Emperor Seiwa (Seiwa Genji branch
of the Minamoto) who included most of the daimyo clans listed
above under Minamoto. Many of them descend from the Ashikaga shoguns
(e.g. the Hosokawa, Imagawa, Hatakeyama, Shiba, Mogami, Takeda,
Ogasawara, Nitta, Matsudaira, Tokugawa, Kira, Hachisuke, Ueno, Sakurai, etc.).
Only the Nitta branch of the Ashikaga spawned the Tokugawa, Matsudaira,
Yamana, Wakiya, Horiguchi, Odachi, Iwamatsu and Sakai.
There are so many surnames because every time a cadet branch moves
to a new fief, they adopt the name of the village/town where they settle.

354:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/08 11:08:58.52 EWKSkiS2H

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18/06/09 19:49:46.04 I1JJn5tb0.net

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18/06/09 19:51:31.88 I1JJn5tb0.net
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357:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/12 13:57:30.37 /449Fddx0.net

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18/06/12 17:09:29.61 bPw0h90i0.net
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18/06/12 17:58:35.12 A4Dh9rTc0.net

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361:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
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18/06/12 18:22:45.50 bPw0h90i0.net
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363:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
18/06/12 18:51:45.46 A4Dh9rTc0.net

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365:–¼–³‚µ‚³‚ñ—‚¨• ‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢B
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