スレッドを立てるまで ..
239:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e373-HpUb)
24/07/04 07:30:10.52 tCWdPQTJ0.net
>>Desks are positioned one in front of the other.
この英文に含まれている one in front of the other の働きと似たようなものとして、
次のようなものがありますね。(ネット上から random に検索してみました。)
(1) Suddenly the Old came in, hat on over his eyes, coat on.
(2) ... she was wearing the hat and the green Rich's bag it came in, hat on top of the bag.
(3) They were walking around, hands in pockets and shoulders slumped, or leaning against the wall in clusters.
(4) The couple are walking hand in hand.
(5) You might be sitting there, legs crossed on top of the desk, leaning back, hands cradling your head, and thinking, “I am just THAT good.”
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