今日見た英単語の忘備録 英検準1以上限定 at ENGLISH
21/12/11 02:51:42.76 kYb0lnRU0.net
doer やる人 実行する人
thinker 考える人
more doers than organizers

21/12/11 08:32:26.95 kYb0lnRU0.net
stack the dishes 食器を重ねる
clear the table 片付ける
take the plates 片付ける

21/12/11 17:36:54.18 kYb0lnRU0.net
Cylindrical 円柱形

21/12/12 05:06:35.09 oMj+Kkvq0.net

21/12/12 06:42:30.73 oMj+Kkvq0.net

21/12/12 06:45:30.51 oMj+Kkvq0.net
stuff it with something

21/12/12 14:53:26.21 oMj+Kkvq01212.net
Me: Ah. I'm so glad you grabbed two. I wasn't gonna do the same because I was feeling self consciou--
Collegue: It's for my girlfriend. Why? Are you--
"Also a slave, yes. Girlfriends are such a pain am I right ahaha"
"hahaha 😏"
Nuances aside, I wonder how this would be translated in Japanese. Just a little interesting tidbit I've had before leaving work tonight lol

21/12/12 15:26:46.12 oMj+Kkvq01212.net
fit right in 溶け込む

21/12/12 17:55:45.89 yKoeWh2501212.net
ornament 〜を飾る
ornate 華やかな

21/12/12 18:31:51.79 oMj+Kkvq01212.net
retract 撤回
message retracted

21/12/13 00:32:22.14 W10kijQW0.net
off the cuff 即興で
off the cuff remark
off the cuff speech

21/12/13 02:20:54.48 W10kijQW0.net
spacial = spatial

21/12/14 07:19:25.88 XsLEr3VF0.net
bellows ふいご 送風機のような道具 焚き火を強くする

21/12/14 20:17:58.65 XsLEr3VF0.net
students of moderate ability
Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.
Cook over a moderate heat.
By evening the wind had moderated slightly.
We agreed to moderate our original demands.
moderate  中道 中庸
mod・er・ate3 / `m?d?r?t / noun [count]
someone whose opinions and actions are reasonable and not extreme, especially in politics:
The party is deeply divided between moderates and extremists.

21/12/14 21:57:44.52 XsLEr3VF0.net
broad range of possible meanings

21/12/14 21:58:53.15 XsLEr3VF0.net
in that context there's really not much to choose between the two

21/12/16 10:38:23.62 vO7X4mZI0.net
Crypto 秘密の(組織、結託など)

21/12/17 11:48:38.52 Gu5PlF0s0.net
spot someone カネを貸す(あげるつもりで 返済を期待しない)
Sorry, I forgot to bring my wallet with me.
Could you spot me a few bucks to pay for my coffee?
Oh no, not this time.
I'm not spotting you any more money until you pay back what you still owe me.

21/12/17 11:55:15.88 Gu5PlF0s0.net
heartburn 胸焼け

21/12/17 12:00:44.61 Gu5PlF0s0.net
lightheaded 頭がクラクラする

21/12/17 13:08:19.93 Gu5PlF0s0.net
a low wall or barrier built across a river in order to control the flow of water or change its direction

21/12/17 14:13:40.79 Gu5PlF0s0.net
astringent 苦い、きつい、

21/12/17 14:54:27.39 Gu5PlF0s0.net
dim (dimmer, dimmest) うっすら、かすかな
dim light
dim outline in the moonlight
dim memory

21/12/17 15:23:28.70 Gu5PlF0s0.net
the point of no return
turning point
you mean that you now have to continue with what you are doing and it is too late to stop.
The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.

21/12/17 17:36:39.56 AJUlQojq0.net
geese  ガチョウ gooseの複数形
akimbo 手を腰に当てて肘を張って
"Now,then, mister," said he, with his head cocked and his arms akimbo,
pomposity もったいぶって
fowl fancier 家禽愛好家
by jove  おやまあ
tallow 獣脂
daub 塗りつける
knot of roughs 乱暴者の群れ
forceps  ピンセット

21/12/18 03:23:15.87 DB1wIG4U0.net
backwash 引き波, aftermath

21/12/18 05:37:58.79 DB1wIG4U0.net
harm's way 茨の道

21/12/19 03:01:38.73 ORmE26aC0.net
do more than simply nod to each other in passing

21/12/19 03:07:21.85 ORmE26aC0.net
cut down on 削減 縮小

21/12/19 03:11:17.01 ORmE26aC0.net
on the cutting-room floor 編集段階で削除、未公開にされた
: removed from a movie or television show
The scene ended up on the cutting-room floor.
A lot of good ideas are rejected and end up on the cutting-room floor.

21/12/19 03:18:40.05 ORmE26aC0.net
take off 盛り上がる 
take something off somebody 奪う 巻き上げる

21/12/19 03:26:47.19 ORmE26aC0.net
shrug 肩の動作 → 気にしない どうでもいい
The man shrugged his shoulders.
I suppose so,said Anna with a shrug.
He shrugged off the criticism
He just laughed and shrugged it off
shrug off jacket
shrug somebody away
,shrug `off phrasal verb [transitive] 肩で突き放す→楽観する、気にしない屁でもない
They've clearly shrugged off the disappointment of last week's defeat.
She won't shrug off this latest attack quite so well.

21/12/19 03:35:42.26 ORmE26aC0.net

21/12/19 05:51:01.44 ORmE26aC0.net
malfunction 動作不良 機能不良
physical malfunction

21/12/19 09:33:41.04 ORmE26aC0.net
be late to the party 出遅れた

21/12/19 09:55:13.32 ORmE26aC0.net
dox 個人情報特定
Person 1:Did you see those KKK members on twitter?
Person 2:Yeah I heard that they got doxxed on tumblr. Wanna call them and curse them out for being awful people?
Person 1:Hell yeah!

21/12/21 02:34:23.43 WI917HiC0.net
His behaviour baffles me.
I'm baffled as to why she hasn't called.
I'm baffled why she hasn't called.
His reaction was one of bafflement.
Some of the country's customs are baffling to outsiders.

21/12/21 05:45:50.35 WI917HiC0.net
resonate (心に、空間に)響く
The vibrations of the gong resonated through the temple.
This issue has resonated with voters more than any other
this specific example really resonates.

21/12/21 09:36:57.51 WI917HiC0.net
out of all of the ...全体から、全体の中から

21/12/21 10:50:59.06 WI917HiC0.net
flinch 取り乱してビクッとする
she did the whole speech not a flinch
Man had looked into the eyes of the firing squad without flinching...
The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin, making her flinch.
He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions.

21/12/21 11:20:58.40 WI917HiC0.net
buoyant あげ、上り調子(ビジネス)
economy / market
buoyant sales / prices
a buoyant demand for homes
They were all in buoyant mood.
The boat bobbed like a cork on the waves:
light and buoyant.
the buoyancy of the market
a mood of buoyancy

21/12/21 12:08:25.25 WI917HiC0.net
A towing company is a business
with large “tow trucks” that pull cars that don’t work (or cars that need to be moved for some other reason).

21/12/21 12:16:17.33 WI917HiC0.net
Do the emotions develop in parallel with the intellect?
great intellectual depth and understanding.
This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.
profound changes in the earth's climate
My father's death had a profound effect on us all.
The news came as a profound shock.
The report has profound implications for schools. ◆ Her sense of disappointment was profound.
showing great knowledge or understanding: profound thought / understanding / insights ◆ a profound book / drama
needing a lot of study or thought: profound questions about life and death
(medical) very serious; complete: profound disability

21/12/21 21:35:49.39 WI917HiC0.net
vengeful : avenge, revenge

21/12/21 21:36:20.89 WI917HiC0.net
dummy 赤ん坊のおしゃぶり、ダミー

21/12/21 21:39:33.35 WI917HiC0.net
distraught 取り乱した、心が落ち着いてない(人の死で、ショッキングな出来事で)

21/12/21 21:56:26.75 WI917HiC0.net
thrive 成長する 耐えてはねのけて成長する
Children thrive when given plenty of love and attention.
Today his company continues to thrive
...the river's thriving population of kingfishers.
Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.
Some couples thrive on conflict

21/12/21 22:02:32.73 WI917HiC0.net
When the doorbell and knocks went unanswered

21/12/21 22:21:05.46 WI917HiC0.net
make yourself known (to)

21/12/22 01:33:37.23 k0OsjD880.net
babble ギャーギャーなんか言う(意味不明な)

21/12/22 18:17:12.38 k0OsjD880.net
spout 噴出 どうでもいい話を延々とする
the spout of a teapot
Idioms: be / go up the spout (BrE, slang) to be/go wrong;
to be spoilt or not working: Well, that's my holiday plans gone up the spout!
The wound was still spouting blood.
The geyser(間欠泉) spouted huge columns of water from the ground.
Clear water spouted from the fountains.
~ (off / on) (about sth) (informal, disapproving) to speak a lot about sth;
to repeat sth in a boring or annoying way:
[V] He's always spouting off about being a vegetarian.
What are you spouting on about now?
[VN] He could spout poetry for hours.
She could do nothing but spout insults.
The article was full of the usual cliches spouted by fashion editors.

21/12/23 02:55:23.19 Id2eWQpa0.net
babble  わや、がや
They were all babbling away in a foreign language.
I realized I was babbling like an idiot.
a babble of voices

21/12/23 06:42:01.48 RFlqqcvw0.net
divisive 不和の生じた
divergent 分岐した
propriety 正しさ
deduce 推測する
exasperate 苛立たせる

21/12/23 08:55:22.30 Id2eWQpa0.net
revamp ...do major change
All Italy's political parties have accepted that it is time to revamp the system...
Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the revamped airport.
Revamp is also a noun.
The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.
Expected changes include a revamping of the courts.

21/12/23 09:31:23.54 Id2eWQpa0.net
faucet 蛇口

21/12/23 11:05:59.79 Id2eWQpa0.net
suffice enough の動詞

21/12/23 11:20:04.49 44FmrJX+M.net
fingertips 指先

21/12/24 01:40:03.13 yDWGawMY0EVE.net
shrewd 鋭い 要点をつく
pungent ツンとする ワサビ

21/12/24 05:46:21.89 yDWGawMY0EVE.net
be on a cloud 最高(の気分)

21/12/26 05:45:11.66 JKfTCnSv0.net
rudimentary 初期 初歩 原始
They were given only rudimentary training in the job.
His understanding of the language is very rudimentary.
rudimentary housing / weapons
Health care in the village is still quite rudimentary.
Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.
the most rudimentary forms of life

21/12/26 10:32:28.90 t1rQWZSX0.net

21/12/26 10:46:19.37 Ymja5IEA0.net
trespass 侵害する
construe 構文解析する

21/12/26 19:05:26.20 JKfTCnSv0.net
Cringe worthy 枕に顔埋めてバタバタする 恥ずかしさで悶える

21/12/27 05:29:20.52 i6Rr4j200.net
smattering 中途半端
typically covering a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary with a smattering of dialogues and reading

21/12/27 11:04:56.00 i6Rr4j200.net
exacerbate 悪化させる(状況 病気 escalate)

Longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial divisions.
all of which are exacerbated by a culture that looks poorly at single parent households

21/12/27 14:45:16.74 i6Rr4j200.net
in a row連続して
there are 2 holidays in a row this week!

21/12/29 07:27:14.74 rsA+1WvT0.net
kill for それのためならなんでもやる
I'll kill for it

21/12/29 07:31:41.05 rsA+1WvT0.net
gird loin (phrase) prepare and brace
gird your loin!
The company is girding its loins for a plunge into the overseas market.

21/12/29 12:32:07.15 rsA+1WvT0NIKU.net
expunge 項目削除 登録抹消
What happened just before the accident was expunged from his memory
Details of his criminal activities were expunged from the file
I cannot believe the charges against this person were dropped
and expunged from her record! This is WHY people aren't worried

21/12/30 02:57:22.26 FlQkVWXT0.net
caste カースト

21/12/30 03:00:23.19 FlQkVWXT0.net
intimacy 親密さ、セックスの遠回しな言い方
The old intimacy between them had gone for ever.
The truth was he did not feel like intimacy with any woman.
Despite the disappearance of the caste system,
honorific speech is still used to mark the degree of intimacy
or social standing between people

21/12/30 06:40:12.19 3k+3VSGMM.net

21/12/30 13:40:57.16 FlQkVWXT0.net
birds eye view
look down at
I want to be able to see things from a bird’s-eye view.
After climbing the mountain, I had a great view overlooking the city.
When I was on the plane, I could look down at the tiny cars driving on the roads.

21/12/30 14:04:54.16 FlQkVWXT0.net
derelict adjective, 放棄〜 negligent
dereliction 職務放棄
The politician was so busy using his office for personal gain that he was derelict in his duty

21/12/31 14:25:58.44 sdOa1x620.net
get around to doing 手が回る
I said I would write to you, but as usual I never got around to it...

21/12/31 14:28:45.31 sdOa1x620.net
get away with
avoid, dodge,

21/12/31 14:31:28.63 sdOa1x620.net
get back into doing: restart doing

21/12/31 14:46:07.42 sdOa1x620.net
interest rate 金利

21/12/31 15:25:24.07 sdOa1x620.net
innate: inherent
the innate ability to learn
He never lost his innate sense of fun.
innately adverb: He believes that humans are innately violent.
Racism is the belief that one race is innately superior to another.

21/12/31 15:39:21.71 sdOa1x620.net
convene 会議/会合招集
militiaman 民兵
bolster strengthen, enhance, reinforce, intensify
A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident.
The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.
When court convened at the next term the court
and sheriff were bolstered by sixty militiamen,
but by then the defendant was not available for trial.

22/01/01 04:50:20.35 A2Y0GEEm0.net
on fleek イケてる 似合ってる on point

22/01/01 05:20:30.00 A2Y0GEEm0.net
on point イケてる
Your outfit is on point!
Your shoes are on point.
Your argument was very on point.

22/01/01 07:41:30.51 A2Y0GEEm0.net
time frame: periodより限定的な一定の出来事が発生した時間のみをさす
The time frame within which all this occurred was from September 1985 to March 1986...
We expect to complete the project within a fairly short time frame.
an agreement can be reached in a reasonably short time frame

22/01/01 16:10:04.72 A2Y0GEEm0.net
seems unbothered as he casually rocks
ゆれる ゆらゆらする

22/01/01 16:15:52.24 A2Y0GEEm0.net
seems unbothered as he casually rocks back and forth in his chair
He sat rocking in his seat and staring out of the window.
The scandal rocked the government
Spain has been rocked by another political scandal.
She was rocking backwards and forwards in her seat
He rocked the baby gently in his arms

22/01/01 16:16:34.70 A2Y0GEEm0.net

22/01/01 16:32:34.90 A2Y0GEEm0.net
podium 表彰台 演説台

22/01/01 16:35:27.27 A2Y0GEEm0.net
death row 死刑囚監房
live on death row

22/01/02 06:12:46.89 dznGmFDe0.net
Nicholson stepped up to the podium and took a bow.

22/01/02 06:55:50.73 dznGmFDe0.net
In 1945, Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls...
Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president...
A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
A nationwide poll revealed different food preferences in the North and the South.
regarding which charity once you raise a enough amount of money
we will have a poll to let you guys decide on the charity
Over 50% of those polled were against the proposed military action.
52% of those polled supported the measure.
The winner polled over 16,000 votes in the county.

22/01/02 11:00:58.21 dznGmFDe0NEWYEAR.net
They were coerced into negotiating a settlement
coerce into
Potter had argued that the government coerced him into pleading guilty...
He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt.
3 counts of coercion

22/01/02 13:12:34.84 dznGmFDe0.net
care to do
Would you care to do
〜してはいかがですか (do you want to do....)

22/01/02 13:44:30.39 dznGmFDe0.net
curb /kerb リミッター(を課す)
Curbs on the use of mountain bikes in the forest are being called for
curbs on government spending
Increased interest rates should curb inflation.
You'd better curb that temper of yours
A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation.

22/01/02 14:56:56.96 dznGmFDe0.net
squeak キーキー キュッキュッ音
My new shoes squeak.
The mouse ran away, squeaking with fear.
One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise.
My new shoes squeak.
The mouse ran away, squeaking with fear.
One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise.

22/01/02 14:57:35.90 dznGmFDe0.net
sporadically 散発的
The war in Israel continued sporadically, especially in the Negev
he female upperclassmen did not approach me or make any real efforts to be my friend,
so I only went to the meetings sporadically my first year
"I sporadically go to the movies, a few times a year at most." No pattern
"I drink alcohol with my meals occasionally, but never more than 2x a week nor weekly." Indiscernible pattern

22/01/02 15:37:21.43 dznGmFDe0.net
lethal 致死性の
...a lethal dose of sleeping pills.
Frost and wet are the lethal combination for plants.
tasers are conductive energy devices with less-lethal system

22/01/03 10:32:16.65 S/+R7/RS0.net
menace 嫌なもの 厄介なもの (悪意の有無関係なく)

A menace is defined as a person or thing that
causes chaos or irritation regardless of malicious intentions against the well-being of others.
"Charlie did not realize he was being a menace by singing loudly while his sister was studying."

22/01/03 10:34:16.03 S/+R7/RS0.net
The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
She's being menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.
"Menace" is a little too formal and kinda like a 5 dollar word..too poetic.
its literally almost the same though. I would use "menacing" for deeper expressions and "threatening" if its just a regualr conversation

22/01/03 11:24:39.47 S/+R7/RS0.net
infer と認識する+ということになる、する、思わせる(だけの状態)

I inferred from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident.
The police inferred that they found her behaviour rather suspicious.
Are you inferring (that) I'm not capable of doing the job?
The clear inference is that the universe is expanding.
If he is guilty then, by inference, so is his wife
There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter.
It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain.
To say "within a matter of weeks" gives the subtle inference that it was quicker than expected.

22/01/03 17:10:56.91 S/+R7/RS0.net
intact: remains unchanged
Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion
Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.
He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.
This great building will be preserved intact and opened to the public.

22/01/03 17:19:14.53 S/+R7/RS0.net
rules of thumb: 経験則
As you're dealing with your teens, one rules of thumb that works
pretty well is to ask, would I do this for someone else's kid?
Tell us your own rules of thumb for good writing.
Because moviemaking relies on personal judgment calls,
studios try to reduce risk by adhering to rules of thumb

22/01/03 18:57:22.03 S/+R7/RS0.net
indiscernible:物凄くわかりにくい ほとんどわからないような
What had begun as a nearly indiscernible trail near the barn had broadened into a well-trodden path.
Seashells are lined along every available surface, shells on the sills and
on the dresser and jars full of pebbles lined up on the floor,
all arranged by some indiscernible system, and here, here!
In various unrevealed capacities he had come in contact with such people but always with indiscernible barbed wire between.
Almost indiscernibly, her gums had begun to turn white.

22/01/04 06:15:50.63 iMEp25RV0.net
Cumulative 累積、累計
Cumulative Layout Shift: How often visitors see layout changes while your site loads. The score ranges between 0-1 – the lower, the better.
the cumulative effect of human activity on the world environment
The evolution of human life was a gradual, cumulative process.
including all the amounts that have been added previously:
the monthly sales figures and the cumulative total for the past six months
Cumulatively, these archaeological discoveries give a very clear picture of Celtic life

22/01/04 06:42:18.63 iMEp25RV0.net
that is to say すなわち
that is to say we feel that we can’t go on like this. We’ve had enough of it.”
But then as I continued to stand there, a curious thing began to take place;
that is to say, a deep feeling of triumph started to well up within me.
If the river continued through the throat at less than sonic speed—that is to say,
less than the speed of sound—it became compacted in the divergent section, bound in turmoil, and inefficient.

22/01/04 07:20:54.50 iMEp25RV0.net
I am so psyched

22/01/04 08:55:22.13 iMEp25RV0.net
Up ahead すぐそこ

22/01/04 08:59:48.58 iMEp25RV0.net
blow this pop stand:To exit or remove oneself from a less than exciting location or environment.
I'm bored out of my mind, let's blow this pop stand.

22/01/04 09:00:07.46 2MLeInrM0.net

22/01/04 09:01:42.36 iMEp25RV0.net
high jinks

22/01/05 05:32:03.38 L4heBLxW0.net
Finally, I knew buying that 4K tv would pay off

22/01/05 07:11:00.86 L4heBLxW0.net
First rate
First rate hotel
Average/ so-so hotel
Mediocre hotel
Third rate hotel
Stunning and absolutely first rate from the models, swimsuits, lighting and music......great fun
一流選手や優秀な生徒など人の場合は"top athlete/ top student"と"first rate"は使えません。

22/01/05 07:47:10.72 UTG/Qwrua.net

22/01/08 11:01:03.35 4gHn9DI30.net

22/01/08 15:42:40.65 Wi/5bgky0.net
be up to speed: catch up with latest information, update your status, ability,
When they land here they'll be fully up to speed physically and they'll understand the way we want to play the game".
Intel said it was working with partners like telephone network operators,
hotels and airports to verify that some 10,000 hot spots
are fully up to speed this year in 15 countries around the globe
Company officials said the campaign will run nationwide next spring and summer,
once the partnership's bottling plants are fully up to speed.
A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal.
Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed

22/01/08 16:56:09.60 Cf0XPg880.net
She was shy and reticent.
He was extremely reticent about his personal life.
That night she had overcome her natural reticence and talked about their married life
antonym: rowdy/rowdier/rowdiest

22/01/08 20:11:40.60 Cf0XPg880.net
Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources.

22/01/08 20:16:15.97 Cf0XPg880.net
on and off
Do not give personal information to others!
Despite how awesome people on the forum are, this is still the internet.
Be careful both on and off the forum

22/01/08 20:58:39.12 Cf0XPg880.net
from the ground up
ゼロから 基礎から 土台から
I like the approach of these videos in how they present English grammar
from the ground up, rather than trying to think about English in Japanese-grammar terms
that don’t actually translate to how English grammar works.

22/01/08 21:02:51.31 Cf0XPg880.net
a ton of time / tons of time
they dedicate a ton of time talking about how much better
this method of grammar is than traditional textbook approaches
harp on (about) something:
If you say that someone harps on a subject, or harps on about it,
you mean that they keep on talking about it in a way that other people find annoying.
Jones harps on this theme more than on any other...a ton of time.
She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad.
stop harping on about how great you method is.

22/01/08 21:06:44.59 CfRrhqFF0.net

22/01/09 14:14:37.62 KMlFRUTe0.net
killjoy: party pooper
Tuition on credit has grown in step with people's increasing use of plastic
I knew better than to not call my grandmother but I was tired of being a killjoy,
and my sisters and I were back in step with one another.
People who live rigorously by this cynicism are often seen as grumpy killjoys.
The guys are dopey and relatable; their wives are responsible killjoys

22/01/09 15:46:36.88 KMlFRUTe0.net
They stayed, safe and happy, within their own social milieu...
The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.

22/01/09 15:51:33.23 KMlFRUTe0.net
open-ended: 無期限、期限を設定してない
an open-ended discussion
The contract is open-ended.

22/01/09 15:54:20.15 KMlFRUTe0.net
Right now you are both still shrouded in mystery to each other,
but eventually you’ll be naked, your real selves fully exposed and
those early imperfections will join a slew of more onerous ones.
In 1972, The Rolling Stones controversially moved to the south of France to escape onerous British taxes.
When trying to locate important things in the workplace, firstly,
look for.... onerous tasks, stressful, open-ended commitments and individuals you’d rather avoid
The process is so cumbersome, confusing, and onerous that many people who are theoretically eligible to vote never manage to get their voting rights back.
parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up a very difficult child.

22/01/09 17:38:02.54 KMlFRUTe0.net
Hear me out.

22/01/09 18:17:01.22 KMlFRUTe0.net
falsify データの偽造、改竄行為
The murder plots depended upon doctors who falsified death certificates and upon undertakers who quickly and quietly buried bodies.
recent concern about the falsification of evidence in court.

22/01/09 18:57:18.01 KMlFRUTe0.net
It is a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.
He detected the fallacy of her argument.
bit of a stupid fallacy. Just because it seems like someone knows what they're talking about, doesn't mean they necessarily actually do
Similarly, someone can't make a blatant falsehood seem true all day, like a conman would. Still is a falsehood though

22/01/09 19:15:48.73 KMlFRUTe0.net
tamper with :改竄 改変
tamper withは物理的な変形や加工、隠滅なども意味する

22/01/10 08:45:18.63 n42vWHvY0.net
Despite the manga's Japan-only availability, it is more popular overseas

22/01/10 13:19:45.62 n42vWHvY0.net
Bus services will be disrupted tomorrow because of the bridge closure.
We aim to help you move house with minimum disruption to yourself.
The strike caused serious disruptions to rail services for several days.
She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class
If there are any disruptive incidents this week, they will be met with strict enforcement of our disciplinary policy.
A disruptive technology is a new technology, such as computers and the Internet, which has a rapid and major effect on technologies that existed before. (BUSINESS)
...the other great disruptive technologies of the 20th century, such as electricity, the telephone and the car.

22/01/11 11:34:36.29 6kqpLFy00.net
read the room

22/01/11 16:35:35.69 6kqpLFy00.net
comprehend(often negative) 納得
The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.
She could not comprehend how someone would risk people's lives in that way.
He stood staring at the dead body, unable to comprehend.

22/01/11 23:32:42.48 6kqpLFy00.net
I got fired from a job back in 2010 as I wasn't the right fit for the company.

22/01/12 12:33:59.40 vW5n1MNH0.net
peer pressure 同調圧力

22/01/12 13:08:57.63 In2l+/fj0.net
you only have single public video available for viewing right now

22/01/12 14:11:38.86 In2l+/fj0.net
You wanna fight about it?:やる気かよ
You say this when you feel like pretending you are an Italian mobster.
This phrase must always be spoken with a stereotypical Italian accent.
Them: "Dude, you completely fucked up my science project when you poured beer on it!"
You: "You wanna fight about it?"
Them: Come get some(やってやるぜ)

22/01/12 16:33:52.01 vW5n1MNH0.net
by a whisker 僅差で

22/01/12 17:50:50.13 In2l+/fj0.net
Nut hair:チン毛、金玉の毛
dingleberry: 〈卑〉尻に付着{ふちゃく}している乾燥した糞[くそ]◆
a piece of shit that hangs on one of your ass hairs and wont fall off
A very small piece of shit intertwined with nut hairs and lint-balls from underwear.
intertwine: 相互に絡み合う

22/01/12 22:33:05.81 In2l+/fj0.net
grow out of :〜から生ずる
The idea for the book grew out of a visit to India.
The decision to introduce job sharing grew out of a general desire for flexible working hours.

22/01/12 23:27:23.20 In2l+/fj0.net
within bounds: 適切な範囲で
We encourage our employees to socialize with clients, but within bounds.
I don't mind if you have a party next door, but please try to keep the noise within bounds.
Borrowing money from friends is all right as long as it’s kept within bounds.
within the bounds of society
within the bounds of possibility
You worked so hard this semester that I think an A is within the bounds of possibility.

22/01/13 03:04:18.80 3Bl2pxNq0.net
chip away/chipping away
If you are "Chipping away" at something it generally means that something is slowly wearing you down [This problem is chipping away at me] or you are slowly wearing something down [I am chipping away at this problem].
I think a lot of male photographers ascend in their careers because they are charming or good looking. And so, like an enduring conversation with them often is uncomfortable because there's a level of flirtation but also sort of like diminishment. It became extremely challenging to be in these environments where you're supposed to be accommodating, placating, pleasing two idiots who are just chipping away anything that you might value about yourself beyond what you look like.

22/01/13 09:58:23.75 MXg0umhn0.net
The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.
computer jargon
Try to avoid using too much technical jargon.

22/01/13 10:23:58.57 MXg0umhn0.net
The trees muffle the sound of the traffic.
They were both muffled in heavy, fur-lined coats.
I couldn't understand half of what the "judge" said since
she was muffled by a mask but her snotty demeanor came thru loud and clear

22/01/13 10:31:47.42 MXg0umhn0.net
From beginning はじめから
From scratch :何も準備が揃ってない状態ではじめから フルスクラッチ=和製英語
I made pancakes from scratch" meaning I made pancakes without a pre-made mix.
She did the artwork from scratch
We had no choice but to restart the project from scratch
From the get-go:何かをする前の状態からを指して「はじめから」
He knew this was a bad idea from the get-go
From the get-go, I knew we would do a great job
The charges have no legal basis and the "judge" should know that from the getgo.

22/01/13 10:33:47.17 oP9jacFi0.net
inquisition 宗教裁判 尋問

22/01/13 12:36:44.10 MXg0umhn0.net
While I was waiting to see him, a minion brought me some tea.
Whenever the director needed more information, his minions were sent scurrying in all directions to obtain it.

22/01/13 12:40:30.29 MXg0umhn0.net
wail : 泣き叫ぶ 悲鳴
The little girl was wailing miserably.
women wailing and weeping
the cat was wailing to be let out.
'It's broken,' she wailed.
There's no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.
Ambulances raced by with sirens wailing.
the distant wail of sirens
The child let out a high-pitched wail.

22/01/13 13:05:02.72 MXg0umhn0.net
talk down to
that Judge talked down to you the whole time, especially after you said you were defending yourself

22/01/13 13:37:52.98 MXg0umhn0.net
abide: put up with, hold,
I can't abide people with no sense of humour.
He couldn't abide the thought of being cooped up in an office.
You'll have to abide by the rules of the club.
We will abide by their decision.

adamant:堅く 頑なに
Eva was adamant that she would not come.
His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage.

admonish:warn, tell of, rebuke
She was admonished for chewing gum in class.
warning voice admonished him not to let this happen.
They admonished me for taking risks with my health...
She admonished him gently

22/01/13 13:52:23.64 MXg0umhn0.net
The majority of the population are landless peasants.
They are kings, we are peasants. (In their eyes). In reality, we gave them power, they are our public servants and should act like it

22/01/13 15:29:58.22 MXg0umhn0.net
hey re-wrote the complaint on you when they realized they couldn't charge for eavesdropping
The government illegally eavesdropped on his telephone conversations...
The housemaid eavesdropped from behind the kitchen door.

22/01/13 15:48:47.88 MXg0umhn0.net
viler vilest
The weather was really vile most of the time.
He was in a vile mood.
the vile practice of taking hostages
Isn’t that some kind of vile stripping of our rights?

22/01/13 15:57:00.80 MXg0umhn0.net
There is a general presumption that the doctor knows best.
She was infuriated by his presumption in not consulting her first.
The presumption of innocence is now a legal myth,” he declared
"innocent until proven guilty"
Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are proved to be guilty.

22/01/13 20:26:37.45 MXg0umhn0.net
underboss(犯罪組織の) 副首領、組織のNo2

22/01/13 20:49:15.83 MXg0umhn0.net
Cookie-cutter:(negative) much the same, almost Identical to other things.
I want a unique house, not one of those cookie-cutter boxes that looks like every other one on the block.
We need to make sure we have a website that stands out from the crowd.
It can't just be some cookie-cutter design, or it will get lost in the shuffle.

22/01/13 21:31:42.16 MXg0umhn0.net
milestone:重大な出来事 ある程度の達成点、到達点
There is no milestone in your life that will ever compare with the birth of your child.
I knew even then that that conversation would prove to an important milestone in my life.
He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history
This voyage marked an important milestone in the history of exploration.
Today we have passed another milestone on the road towards peace

22/01/13 23:51:31.90 J9MXRKHD0.net
cactus サボテン
csllous マメ

22/01/14 09:48:52.62 w9Ksd5RT0.net
Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience.
the mind-blowing beauty of Africa

22/01/14 09:51:23.20 w9Ksd5RT0.net
lingua franca:共通語
bridge the gap: 隙間を埋める
so to speak:言ってみれば いわゆる
shortcoming: 欠点
Don't worry, there are rocks bridging the gap up ahead—we can cross there.
I thought Senator Davis was working to bridge the gap between the parties on this controversial issue.
A lingua franca is used to bridge the gap between people who do not speak the same language.
I just need to borrow some money to bridge the gap until I get paid again.
he will set a standard that others will follow in the future, and
I do indeed believe that that approach will "Bridge the gap" so to speak. Which benefits us all

22/01/14 10:44:56.51 w9Ksd5RT0.net
unintelligible 意味不明
incomprehensible 理解し難い

Unintelligible most often seems to mean something that is hard or impossible to decipher, whether it's a garbled recording of a voice, or a poorly written letter.
Incomprehensible more often seems to be used to describe a broader idea, that while possibly easy to describe, is simply too difficult to understand -- like saying, "it's incomprehensible how anyone could commit murder."

22/01/15 00:36:57.43 RBG89cD10.net
smell the roses:人生をより楽しむ 豊かに過ごす
now retired with more time to smell the roses...
You can't keep working these 80 hour weeks, You have to stop and smell the roses, or else what is all that work even for?
laid-back :relaxed, calm
It's clear by the people's laid-back demeanor that this is a culture  that places greater value on smelling the roses
than the pursuit of money or success.

22/01/15 08:34:16.54 RBG89cD10.net
Driver Intervention Program is a 90-minute interactive small group,
workshop,that aims,to address,the over representation,of young,drivers in crashes,by confronting,them,with the potential risk and consequences,of road,trauma.
Women's groups are concerned about the high levels of medical intervention during childbirth.
We do not need further government intervention.
intervention in: state intervention in the economy

22/01/15 09:23:33.05 RBG89cD10.net
higher up :高官 上役 偉い人
This judge should be removed from her duties. Im sick of all these higher ups thinking the same law doesn't apply too them

22/01/15 12:02:43.46 RBG89cD10.net
Driving Under the Influence:
the crime of driving after you have drunk too much alcohol

22/01/15 12:55:30.39 RBG89cD10.net
Stern :厳粛 (マナーなどに)厳しい
a stern face
a stern warning
Her voice was stern.
The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime.
a stern test of nerves
We face stern opposition.
Idioms: be made of sterner stuff :意地になる 意固地になってる
Many would have given up, but Tim was made of sterner stuff.
Having to take care of both of us growing up,
my brother George was made of sterner stuff as a kid than anyone else I knew.
I can't believe you let us down at the last minute. I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that!

22/01/15 12:59:53.04 RBG89cD10.net
t-bone accident: T型の交通事故
When a car hits another in the side forming a letter "T"
"I ran a red light and I t-boned this other car!"
I got T-Boned by a broad(オンナ) running a stop sign!
a drunk behind the wheel "can" permanently reduce a lifespan from 80 years or so,
to however old they were when they were run over/t-boned, by a drunk.

22/01/15 21:47:15.18 jGbqJPVd0.net
T-bone steak Tボーン ステーキ

22/01/15 22:32:44.94 RBG89cD10.net
"yeah no"
a Midwestern phrase that means "no" as opposed to the phrase "no yeah" which is a Midwestern phrase meaning "yes"

22/01/15 22:51:04.73 RBG89cD10.net
as opposed to: 〜とは反対に

22/01/15 23:57:47.38 RBG89cD10.net
plethora: lots
endless plethora of
plethora of books have been written on the subject.
a plethora of detail.

22/01/16 00:15:31.76 Jl8DyVuE0.net
in the small hours: 深夜から早朝の間
in the small hours of:
In the small hours, we came upon an inn.
He was drawing on it now, in a French barn(納屋), in the small hours.
His guardian returned in the small hours of the morning; he had a large plastic bag with him.

22/01/16 00:18:48.18 Jl8DyVuE0.net
atone: 贖罪 償い
to atone for a crime
a desire to atone
atonement : to make atonement for his sins
the Jewish day of atonement
He felt he had atoned for what he had done

22/01/16 00:27:30.36 Jl8DyVuE0.net
conflate: mix
Her letters conflate past and present...
Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint...
The two meanings conflated.

idiosyncrasies:eccentricity 特殊性
They seem to have been close friends for decades, sharing many interests and idiosyncrasies
Conflating these two people was a mistake I made myself
His teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful
If you talk about the idiosyncrasies of someone or something,
you are referring to their rather unusual habits or characteristics.
Everyone has a few little idiosyncrasies...

22/01/16 18:31:30.49 Jl8DyVuE0.net
a woman of forthright views
He spoke in a forthright manner but without anger
forthright appraisal
forthright criticism.
The enormous national debt amassed in the last eight years makes all this prosperity nothing but a house of cards.
His plans are a house of cards, so if one thing does not work, the entire plan will fail
I was balanced on a house of cards.
bigger picture:もっと大きな視点、大事な話
We're missing the bigger picture here. Quite frankly I'm surprised nobody has commented on this yet
I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture.
The sales manager gave us all the bigger picture this morning, and I'm more confused than ever.

ruckus: mess
The kids were making an awful ruckus in the living room, so I told them to go play outside.
She went outside to see who was causing such a ruckus.


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