スレッドを立てるまで ..
150:名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff39-FRUu)
19/12/22 06:27:42 jqxORdAI0.net
>>137 の英文がそのままアメリカ英語としても正しいらしいことは、
アメリカのコーパス COCA による次のような調査結果からもわかろう。

"made him some" を検索した結果

1 2012 FIC Bk:LostEverything A B C three eggs, boiled in water with a little salt. A little rice. Made him some tea, a few ancient bags that I strained the flavor from,
3 2010 FIC ContempFic A B C Mickievicov to brew him some linden tea. As she usually did, she made him some, making sure to let the dried linden blossoms steep for exactly the
4 2009 FIC Bk:Disappearance A B C to the hardware store. Then I'll walk down and see Terry. I made him some brownies yesterday. # " He's doing poorly, isn't he
5 2008 FIC Bk:Wind A B C a specialty of charming his way into old ladies' homes and, while they made him some sandwiches, pocketing anything he thought he could sell. He was a
6 2005 SPOK NBC_Today A B C and white pants. And basically we glued some je


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