Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 205 at ENGLISH
18/01/20 04:59:38.83
Basically from what I remember, Trump is basically behaving like crazy person. He reminds me of how I change my decisions all the time.
I am always changing, and he always change everything at the last minute. People never know what he is going to do, just like I don't know what I am going to be doing maybe even 5 seconds from now.
I remember at a time where America was not doing so well, the only news site that didn't seem to collapse and become low quality was Washington Times. I think at that time even the New York Times became degraded.
So this is why I have strong impression of Washington Post.
The British news site that has the strongest impression on me is The Guardian ..
I read Nikkei Asian Review and Financial Times when I need a Japanese perspective or even just something Japanese to read.
When China piss me off I watch China Uncensored on YouTube
This is also British anti-China YouTube channel: URLリンク(
That video there is where I learned about all the milk powder smuggling, and my mom confirmed to me it was because Chinese women now can't make milk.
Personally I never ate any milk powder when I was an infant. But I think I remember learning to walk was incredibly hard for me.


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