Chat in English (‰pŒ ..
18/01/17 05:37:43.75
Lightning continue !
Part 3.
One emperor of China gave my grandfather's family the surname 讷. This word sometimes means difficulty speaking.
The Pinyin for this word is Ne.
My grandfather is from Daur tribe in China. So to protect himself from Chairman Mao (father of CCP) we don't use this name.
So when we arrived in Canada, my name was flipped. I was called Dong ‚Η‚ρ by basically every body.
When I was small, one day I discovered that my name on my passport did not match my name in the school system; given name and surname were switched.
As for the pronounciation of this word "Yue" ..
I immediately recalled that there was a character from Cardcaptor Sakura anime named Yue. I saw the show with English voice on TV, and it was pronounced ‚䂦.
So I didn't think anything and thought this was simply the correct way to pronounce it.

Well, that's most of the story. But my story will never end, I'll be back here making a post again .. lol ..


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