Chat in English (‰pŒ ..
18/01/16 22:28:23.45 xm94cz/
I don't think anyone is better than sucking dick than me. But for me to pick you is very hard. I basically have no gender. However, it seems that others see me as a girl.
I notice that when I spend time with a Japanese girl, she becomes prettier very very quickly.
And when I spend time with a Japanese man, he become handsome very very quickly.
I noticed the Japanese were basically in Tip Top shape the last time I was in Japan in April 2015. It was unforgettable trip, really. Quite crazy but I want more.
Last time I was so busy I didn't even get to look at the amazing Cherry Blossoms when they were in the best state.
It was at night, and along some river in Tokyo, there were Cherry Blossoms. Someone had set up beam lights to project upwards beams of light towards the Cherry Blossoms.
There were constantly falling Cherry Blossom petals in the air .. it was a better scene than any movie or video game i ever saw.
But I was so busy helping Japan, I wasn't able to look at the Cherry Blossoms directly .. the only thing I remember is what I saw from my peripheral vision (not directly looking at something) ..
That really pisses me off sometimes.


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