太宰治の如是我聞を英 ..
2:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 10:51:24.88 Z9oy3Klw.net
Attacking a person directly is not effective. You should attack something or someone
he worships for. Namely you should attack his God.
However, you need to find it before doing so, for people often
hide their God.

3:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 12:52:06.26 Z9oy3Klw.net
Attacking a person directly is not effective. You should attack something or someone
he worships for. Namely you should attack his God.
However, you need to find what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

4:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 15:51:08.64 Z9oy3Klw.net
Attacking a person directly is not effective. You should attack something or someone
he worships for. Namely you should attack his God.
However, you first need to find what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

5:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 17:49:29.23 Z9oy3Klw.net
I heard that these are words of a French novelist Paul Valéry.
From now on monthly in this magazine Shincho, no matter how much people hate it,
I must write about things I have been controlling myself for the past decade not to express
even if I was so mad about them.

16/01/01 21:27:09.27 vpWzX4kz.net

7:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 23:05:12.51 Z9oy3Klw.net
Attacking a person directly is not effective. You should attack something or someone
he worships. Namely you should attack his God.
However, you first need to find what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

16/01/01 23:11:12.22 LlG2v87m.net

9:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/01 23:12:37.26 Z9oy3Klw.net
Thus I heard from the Buddha

10:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/02 11:47:49.10 sd458BMz.net

11:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/02 23:40:07.74 sd458BMz.net
I heard that these are the words of a French poet Paul Valéry.
From now on monthly in this magazine Shincho, no matter how much people hate it,
I must write about things I have been controlling myself for the past decade not to express
even if I was so mad about them.

12:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/03 00:24:44.02 qOBCJc0u.net
Now seems to be the time for doing so, which is not my intention though.
Therefore, asking pardon of people whom it may concern,
preparing myself for the worst, that is, severing relation with them,
knowing that they will say I am over the top or pretentious
and frown upon me, I have made up my mind to write my protest.

13:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/03 01:50:38.97 qOBCJc0u.net
Though it is not my intention, at last, now seems to be the time for doing so.
Therefore, asking pardon of people whom it may concern,
preparing myself for the worst, that is, severing relation with them,
knowing that they will say I am exaggerating or pretentious,
and frown upon me, I have made up my mind to write the protest.

16/01/03 05:27:22.90 B/a1QfOk.net
There is no use attacking others personally.
It is their gods that you should attack.
Not your foes themselves, but their gods.
Before attacking, however, you need
to find out what their gods really are.
People tend to veil their true gods.
French author P. Valery thus said, I understand.
Now, I think I must write about,
after a decade of barely refraining from letting out,
a number of things with which I have been disgusted,
for this magazine Shincho every month,
however annoyed someone might be at the contents.
That is, now the time seems to have riped
at last independently of my will,
I intend to raise my voice of protest,
under the tolerance of my relatives and friends,
though not afraid of breaking off with some of them,
risking being frowned at by certain people
for writing too exaggeratedly or affectedly.

15:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/03 08:23:17.49 qOBCJc0u.net
Attacking a person directly is not effective. You should attack something or someone
he worships. In other words, you should attack his god.
However, you first need to find what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

16:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/03 08:25:15.18 qOBCJc0u.net
The time for doing so seems to have come at last independently from my intention.
Therefore, asking pardon of people whom it may concern,
preparing myself for the worst, that is, severing relation with them,
knowing that they will say I am exaggerating or pretentious,
and that they will frown upon me, I have made up my mind to write the protest.

17:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/03 10:43:05.14 qOBCJc0u.net
On a war of pens, attacking the enemy directly is not effective.
You should attack something or someone they worship.
In other words, you should attack their god.
However, you first need to find what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

16/01/04 20:06:45.06 rz8xRLk8.net
(1) 如是我聞
  This Is What I heard
(2) 他人を攻撃したって、つまらない。
  To attack others is useless.
(3) 攻撃すべきは、あの者たちの神だ。
  What you should attack is their gods.
(4) 敵の神をこそ撃つべきだ。
  Their gods are what you should attack.
(5) でも、撃つには先ず、敵の神を発見しなければならぬ。
  But before you can attack them, you must identify your enemies' gods.
(6) ひとは、自分の真の神をよく隠す。
  People often camouflage their true gods.

16/01/05 08:02:32.63 hJMHRiDM.net
(7) これは、仏人ヴァレリイの呟きらしいが、
  These, I hear, were the words muttered by the French Paul Valéry.
(8) 自分は、この十年間、腹が立っても、 抑えに抑えていたことを、
  My angry thoughts that I have suppressed and suppressed
  for the past decade,
(9) これから毎月、この雑誌(新潮)に、どんなに人からそのために、
  I must go on writing every month in this Shincho magazine
  no matter how uncomfortable it may make others.

16/01/05 09:44:03.30 hJMHRiDM.net
(10) そのような、自分の意思によらぬ「時期」がいよいよ来たようなので、
  Such a "time" beyond my control seems to have come at last.
(11) 様々の縁故にもお許しをねがい、
  So I have obtained the permission of various relatives of mine,
(12) 或いは義絶も思い設け、
  or have even prepared myself for ending up having my connections
  severed with some of them,
(13) こんなことは大袈裟とか、或いは気障とか言われ、
  or have some of them accuse me of blowing it up all out of
  proportion or of being pretentious,
(14) あの者たちに、顰蹙せられるのは承知の上で、
  and knowing that they will frown at me,
(15) つまり、自分の抗議を書いてみるつもりなのである。
  I am determined to, in a word, express my protest.

16/01/06 12:22:57.45 HbQ8AYRU.net
I heard it like this

16/01/06 19:34:46.52 YlwzbJrr.net
>>20  訂正
>>(13) こんなことは大袈裟とか、或いは気障とか言われ、
  or have 【ended up being accused of】 blowing it up all out of
  proportion or of being pretentious,

16/01/08 06:43:05.30 Dp4EfEhe.net
"I Heard It Like This" という題名の本が出版されていますが、そのようなフレーズを

16/01/08 12:42:55.16 k6wBf/UC.net

16/01/10 19:02:16.11 AVo5DNkW.net
(16) 私は、最初にヴァレリイの呟きを持ち出したが、
  I began this essay with the murmur of Paul Valéry.
(17) それは、毒を以って毒を制するという気持もない訳ではないのだ。
  There, I did have some intention to fight one evil with another. 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)

16/01/10 19:03:49.71 AVo5DNkW.net

16/01/10 19:23:12.16 AVo5DNkW.net
(18) 私のこれから撃つべき相手の者たちの大半は、
  Among most of the enemies that I am about to attack now
(19) たとえばパリイに二十年前に留学し、
  are, for example, those who studied in Paris two decades ago,
(20) 或いは母ひとり子ひとり、家計のために、
  or those who, in order to earn the living of their mother-and-son living,
(21) いまはフランス文学大受け、孝行息子、かせぐ夫、
  and who are now favored with the current French literature craze
  and being good sons or breadwinner husbands,
(22) それだけのことで、やたらと仏人の名前を書き連ねて以て、
  and who, for those reasons alone, write down a needlessly long list
  of Frenchmen's names,
(23) 所謂いわゆる「文化人」の花形と、
  and are reputed to be cultural stars.
(24) ご当人は、まさか、そう思ってもいないだろうが、
  Naturally I don't believe they would even think they are that way.
(25) 世の馬鹿者が、それを昔の戦陣訓の作者みたいに迎えているらしい気配に、
  However, there are actually some signs of some imbeciles
  who seem to welcome such people as if they were the authors
  of ancient battle strategies.
(26) 「便乗」している者たちである。
  The targets of my attacks are those who benefit conveniently
  from such moronic worship.

28:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/12 15:16:18.64 NQcEVwXM.net
On a war of pens, attacking the enemy directly is not effective.
You should attack something or someone they worship.
In other words, you should attack their god.
However, you first need to find out what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

29:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/12 18:10:30.59 NQcEVwXM.net
In a war of pens, attacking the enemy directly is not effective.
You should attack something or someone they worship.
In other words, you should attack their god.
However, you first need to find out what exactly it is before doing so,
for people often hide it.

30:777 ◆BdND.JiwII3s
16/01/13 09:42:05.85 q1CYwyIA.net
I heard that these were the words of a French poet Paul Valéry.
From now on every month in this magazine Shincho, no matter how much people hate it,
I must write about things I have been controlling myself for the past decade not to express,
even though I was so angry.
The time for doing so seems to have come at last independently from my intention.
Therefore, asking pardon of people whom it may concern, preparing myself for the worst, that is,
breaking off with them, knowing that they will say I am exaggerating or pretentious,
and that they will frown upon me, I have made up my mind to write the protest.


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