y’·•ΆOKz2ch‰pŒκ¨“ ..
17/05/28 14:37:27.49 6Q32iS/ed.net

I was happy hearing from you. You have a fresh kind to write and I have to smile while reading because of your open - mindedness - I like it :)
I would appreciate hearing from you how is live in japan and where you and your son are living right now
and what you are doing (work, education, hobbies).
I am working at a german automobile manufaturer as a psychologist.
But noooo :D I can't read thoughts and nooo I don't do any strange experiments to people ;D
I just writing my Ph.D. there on the topic of human-machine interaction.
I would be very pleased, if you can teach me something...
I have worked hard to write the following sentences, perhaps you can correct me? - that would be very nice! :)


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