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16/11/18 11:04:01.15 XNA8Wtoy0.net
What world do we usually live in? One answer to this question would be:
We live a usual life. When thinking back on our everyday life, from the
moment we arise to the time we go to bed, we find most of our life spent
in a place of usualness or a world of usualness.
What is usualness then?
We almost never consider a thing like that in our daily life and cannot
find a clear definition of it easily. You might hesitate to see how to
find an answer because it is too vague an abstract question.
Each of us has own life and own circumstances of life. Each has everyday
problems to deal with and ones to consider even during his/her lifespan as
well. These are the reasons why I can also say that the answer to this
question has a limitless variety of destinations and then endless pathways.
There is, however, one thing I can tell for sure: The world of usualness
cannot stand independently. This means that it will appear in front of us
as a reality filled with a variety of meanings only when we do


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