Everything Part7
240:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 1b5c-8qPS)
16/10/14 21:04:03.43 0hFIvSyt0.net
Friday, 14 October 2016: Version
fixed a display issue with tooltips
fixed a crash when closing Everything
fixed an issue when excluding hidden files and changing the attributes of a file
fixed an issue when searching content in empty files
fixed a selection issue in full row select mode
fixed a display issue with dates
fixed an issue with previous navigation searches
fixed a hang when installing over a running instance
fixed a blocking issues with search as your type disabled
fixed a crash when displaying thumbnails
fixed an indexing issue with small refs volumes
fixed an issue when selecting with ctrl in full row select mode
fixed an issue when searching for a \path\
fixed a crash when cutting an item multiple times
added perl compatible regex
added option to never show thumbnails, always icons
added iso 8601 syntax for dates and time
added option to disable recent changes
improved search term highlighting
improved database blocking
improved indexes updating
improved advanced search
improved multi-file renaming
improved folder index monitoring
1914日前に更新/272 KB