変態糞親父のガイドラ ..
23/02/26 18:09:50.09 xB5Z8OKI0.net
I've been so busy that I forgot to cut my toenails for two and a half months!
I felt sorry for myself and decided to cut my toenails as soon as possible.
And it felt so good that it made my juices flow just to cut them after 2 and a half months.
It was a refreshing feeling to remember my first time.
After cutting, I found a nice blanket-like sheet to cover me.
I lay on my stomach and rubbed my toes against it, moving them up and down.
"Ohhhhh, my finger dick feels so good~~, it's like my whole foot is a dick!
I'm getting so much juice from my big foot cock....... !!!!
I enjoyed it while screaming like a madman.
If you don't know me, you'll think I'm crazy, but if you know me, you'll probably think I'm crazy too.
But it doesn't matter. I care more about my own pleasure than what others think of me.
I will do whatever it takes for my pleasure, and my life is about pursuing pleasure!


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