y”ί•ρzVΆFF14 ƒƒ ..
13/09/06 18:36:02.40 bGXo6DkZ0

EWhy developers in 2013 are still making such poor WoW imitators almost a decade after WoW launched is beyond me.
EThe combat system feels ancient.
Equests are pretty much "kill ten rats" and most of the personal stories are dull.
Ethis game is next level bad, do not give them a second chance. you pay money for this game and you honestly cant play it
EIn one sentence Very epic fantasy world with talkative NPC and boring quests.
ESpell and attack animations are disgusting, you just shoot a simple arrow, your hands glow,
there are bursts of light, explosions, you are surrounded by gusts of wind and everything, WHY? why does everything have to explode?
E0 specilization, you can even level every class with 1 character lol.
Ebad storytelling, boring fighting Routine ,quest hub based ,boring mmo Standard classes .


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