This is a thread to ..
22/01/23 17:08:04.96
Where do these people come from? I have an academic background in linguistics, which also attracts its fair amount of cranks,
but that's at least understandable because of how important language is for identity, nationalism, etc.
Why does astronomy and astrophysics attract them? What are they getting out of this?
Calling him a crank is pretty aggressive. He's working on his model, he's working on getting it reviewed.
If you or any of the other abusive assholes in this sub would refrain from denigrating /u/trillion5
you might have the mental headspace to actually listen to what he's saying. Then again mental headspace isn't something in strong supply
among dumb kids who jump at any chance to scorn a massive intellectual effort simply because they do not wish to understand it.
Sorry, but I've been on the internet for 25+ years and I know crank-ery when I see it. There's no other word for it. The all-caps title,
random bold text, self-invented terminology, flaunting qualifications in an irrelevant field (although surprisingly it's philosophy this time,
not an engineering degree).
He even has a self-published book. All the classic symptoms. Humoring these people won't get you any closer to figuring out what on earth they're trying to say.
But yeah, maybe this dude is right about the alien mining machines or whatever. And maybe we all live on a four dimensional time cube earth.
Who knows.
But yeah, maybe this dude is right about the alien mining machines or whatever. And maybe we all live on a four dimensional time cube earth. Who knows.
See this shit is slander. That's not even a remotely fair comparison and all you're doing is shit-coating. Why bother engaging with him at all if this is crankery?
Why don't you just shut the fuck up instead of going way the fuck out of your way to talk shit about the migrator model?
Like either engage in good faith or fuck off. Even if he was a crank all you're doing is denigrating him and making him feel like shit. Like what the fuck ?
I didn't engage with him. My initial post was clearly addressed to the other people in this thread/subreddit. I intentionally have not addressed him nor his "theory"
directly nor will I.
There's obviously no point in doing so, it's not like I can convince him he's wrong. I do however think that people like this are interesting and
I wondered if people with a background in astronomy have any insight as to what attracts crankery to their field.
I will admit that comparing him to time cube was denigrating, but if anything it was directed at you for suggesting his ideas could be correct. I'm sorry for that,
but I do find it funny that someone might take him seriously.
but I do find it funny that someone might take him seriously
Now you're just being a fucking asshole
You've called me aggressive, abusive, accused me of slander and "shit-coating", told me to fuck off and to shut the fuck up. If anything I've been remarkably civil.
Yes you were remarkably civil while you abused /u/trillion5 by aggressively slandering and shit coating his work. You personally attacked him.
Because you did that you should shut the fuck up and fuck off.
I have not, and will not, engage with the OP or his "work" as I have already made clear.
I have long had a personal policy of never directly engaging with cranks on the internet as it's unproductive and only encourages them.
Unfortunately I've clearly inadvertently broken this rule by engaging with you.

22/01/23 17:08:30.34
This guy is a citizen scientist stop gatekeeping.
Citizen science isn’t immune from the necessity of peer review
I wouldn't dispute that.
Of course not. But you're not peer reviewing anything you're just denigrating a citizen scientist.
Have you looked into the claims he’s actually making here? It’s a conspiracy of massive scale.
There’s a ring of 54 asteroid mining operations in artificial orbit, of such collective mass that
they stabilize the orbit of the asteroid belt. Quite some science.
It’s a conspiracy of massive scale
Yikes dude it's like you're getting paid to slander this guy what the fuck
No he quite literally said that, look in the comment thread
You're going out of your way to make low-effort attacks on both him personally and his work.
54 total sectors

and the 52 standard sectors

of the Migrator
You know Im something of a scientist myself
Congratulations you know how to mock someone online.

22/01/23 18:35:46.47
Don't copy the English text from somewhere and paste it herewww

22/01/23 22:38:07.66
The Swift Observatory’s science instruments went into safe mode after a possible reaction wheel failure. Pointed science observations are temporarily suspended while the team investigates the issue.

22/01/23 22:57:36.53
If you collect space debris and clean the outside of the earth, you may be praised by the world.

22/01/24 06:49:24.71 LJsm/
What’s cozier than the warm embrace of a star?
Small stars like our Sun puff out into red giants at the ends of their lives, engulfing anything that’s orbiting too close. Brown dwarf WD 1202-024 B appears to have survived such a hug from its host star.

22/01/24 09:55:55.32 LJsm/
Powdered rock samples collected by
have been found to be rich in a type of carbon that on Earth is associated with biological processes.

22/01/24 13:56:07.51
Pluto may no longer be considered a planet, but it’s still our favorite dwarf planet.

22/01/25 19:35:02.95
When two objects orbit each other, they cause the very fabric of space-time to ripple.

22/01/27 11:02:50.09 eDnK/
Water flowed on Mars longer than previously thought... by a billion years!
The findings come from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data that indicates Martian surface water left behind salt minerals as recently as 2 billion years ago.

22/01/27 16:33:58.08
Water vapor has been detected in a 'super Neptune' exoplanet.

22/01/27 18:33:45.46
The discovery of a supermassive black hole (200,000x the mass of our Sun and it's still among the smallest supermassive black holes!) in a relatively small galaxy could help astronomers unravel the mystery surrounding how the very biggest black holes grow:

22/01/28 06:15:03.93
I’ve got a plan for getting rid of the pebbles that blocked my last sample tube handoff. With luck, they should drop through to the ground below.

22/01/28 06:23:25.39
Is there water on Mars? There sure is! It’s not exactly like water on Earth but Martian H20 can tell us a lot about the planet’s distant past while potentially aiding explorers in the future. Get more Martian science:

22/01/28 15:40:11.62 /
So do these baby stars, which shine in bright blue light in this snippet of a larger, soon-to-be-released Hubble image!
This brilliant star-forming region is called the Chameleon Cloud Complex.

22/01/30 18:51:06.98
Here on Mars, I’m checking out a new rock and getting ready for my next sample. Back on Earth, engineers are testing the systems that could bring back this literal piece of history.

22/01/31 06:22:44.48
We thought we felt a breeze!
Kidding, of course, but good luck on the rest of your journey to L2,

22/01/31 09:52:56.73
The Earth mission is slated to launch later this year and will broaden our view into one of humanity’s most important resources: our world’s water.

22/02/01 13:41:58.72
ASTRONAUTS!!! Doesn't get much more elite than that job title. I geeked out hard and still can't believe I had the opportunity to chat a bit with this incredible group of people.

22/02/09 18:39:34.93
Venus's thick atmosphere reflects a lot of light, making it the third brightest object in our sky. But it also obscures the planet’s surface from view.

22/02/16 10:42:08.40
SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches the world’s most advanced rockets and spacecraft

22/03/09 14:55:21.58
We the people support you !


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